Name: Mass Ndow-Njie

Organisation: 7 Bedford Row

Role: Barrister

Based: London

Trained at: UK Government Legal Department (including a secondment at Blackstone Chambers)

Year qualified: Called to the Bar in 2019, pupillage completed in 2020

Read his Hot 100 profile

What’s your most vivid memory from being a pupil? 

For me, it has to be the final day of pupillage. There are inevitably moments along the pupillage journey when it feels like you will not make it to the end. But, the final day of pupillage is when you are able to take stock and recognise that the hard work has paid off. After that day, you can proudly remove ‘pupil’ from your bio and call yourself a fully qualified barrister.

What is the thing in your professional career that has terrified you or taken you out of your comfort zone the most? 

My biggest professional fear is the prospect of ever going into court unprepared. I cannot think of many things worse than having a genius of a judge asking me questions in court that I cannot answer.

That fear ensures that I would go without sleep before I’d enter into a courtroom unprepared.

What is the wisest thing anyone ever said to you (and who said it)?

“If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.” – Dr. Tunde Okewale MBE.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get to where you are/do the job you do?

Remember that chambers are businesses. The pupillage application process is ultimately a system designed to identify the candidate that would be the most beneficial addition to that business.

Are you that candidate? Unfortunately, self-belief is not enough. At every stage of the process, you will need to identify, demonstrate and highlight your unique selling points. You will need to explain how your experiences to date demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to be a successful barrister.

What’s your best friend from law school doing now?

I am going to cheat and talk about my three best friends from law school! First, there is Benjamin Joseph who commenced pupillage at the same time as me and he is now a tenant at Quadrant Chambers. Second, there is Shanzé Shah who is due to start pupillage at the Government Legal Department next year. Finally, there is Asher Iduoze who completed the LPC at the same time that I completed the BPTC and he is now a qualified solicitor at GQ Littler.

They are all outstanding legal practitioners who will achieve great things in their respective areas of law.