

Freshfields and former ex-Court of Appeal judge tied up in case of apparent bias

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s “professional connections” with an arbitrator led to apparent bias in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) case, a High Court judge has ruled. Aiteo, Africa’s largest private integrated energy company, brought a challenge before the English High Court alleging a “serious irregularity” after the ICC issued four arbitration awards against it between […]

HIgh Court London

Covid BI claims continue to mount against insurers

A trio of High Court judgments relating to business interruption (BI) will have “wide implications” for the calculations of insurance claims as claimants failed in holding underwriters to account. The 2020 BI Supreme Court test case was one of the highest-profile disputes to spin out of the pandemic. In May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority […]

Manchester, England

It’s about time the Supreme Court came here: the view from Manchester litigators

Litigators have welcomed the Supreme Court’s planned trip to Manchester as a boon for the local legal market that will improve the city’s “underutilised” multimillion-pound justice centre. The Supreme Court plans to sit in the Manchester Civil Justice Centre next March with president Lord Reed relocating there for three days along with four of his […]