Our sector taxonomy explained

Our sector taxonomy was constructed following three key principles:

  • Using a recognised standardised classification system
  • Enabling detailed classification of companies and non-corporate organisations
  • Aligning with the key features of litigations in the UK

We based our sector taxonomy on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), a recognised and widely accepted classification system developed by MSCI and Standard & Poor’s (S&P). Each company is assigned a sector and subsector according to its primary business activity. The classification is based on the definition guideline provided by GICS.

To ensure our sector taxonomy reflects the involvement of non-corporate organisations and entities we added two classifications that the GICS as a classification system does not cover. These include the Public Sector (excluding Health) & Not-for-Profit and Regulators & Professional Bodies.

NHS organisations are classified into the NHS subsector which can be found under the Health Care Equipment & Services sector. This is to enable users of the database to search specifically for litigated involving NHS entities.

Our sector taxonomy can be downloaded here: Sector-taxonomy

Our litigation type taxonomy explained

Our litigation type taxonomy was constructed through researching and aligning the practice areas of firms and chambers active in the litigation field.

Furthermore, we also gauged views and feedback on the taxonomy from the legal market (including firms, chambers and litigation funders). From this, additional amendments to the taxonomy were made in order to enhance and better fulfill industry expectations.

Our litigation type taxonomy can be downloaded here: Litigation-type-taxonomy