Olivia Sinfield

Osborne Clarke

Osborne Clarke employment lawyer Olivia Sinfield made partner in 2021 but is already helping to shape the next generation at her firm. The success of the legal apprenticeship programme in its Bristol office saw Sinfield selected to roll it out to the firm’s London HQ in 2022. This task is not to be underestimated; Sinfield is working with apprentices fresh out of school, many of whom have never connected with the law before.

As well as being a reliable and informed mentor, she must convince partners to dedicate time to her apprentice squad. Peers say Sinfield has achieved both these tasks with gusto, using the success of the Bristol apprenticeship programme to demonstrate its strength while at the same time putting her apprentices at ease in City life. Sinfield brings a fresh perspective to legal education that has all the hallmarks of true innovation, using tools such as TikTok to open communication lines, for example, or elevating the visibility of apprentices on YouTube. As competition for apprentice learners heats up, Osborne Clarke can be proud to be home to one of its original pioneers.