Lisa McLaughlin

Herbert Smith Freehills

Lisa McLaughlin can be praised for being one of the first people to put Belfast on the map for major legal services. As Herbert Smith Freehills’ alternative legal services business (ALT) celebrates coming into its twelfth year, she has overseen significant growth in its UK arm as well as providing extensive opportunities and development in Belfast for legal and business graduates.

With 200 roles now based in Belfast, and 75 per cent of those being new, it goes to show the work that McLaughlin has put into making alternative legal services in Northern Ireland stand out. Aiming to create a seamless, integrated service that is pioneered from Belfast but works with the wider firm has become McLaughlin’s mission, seeing her focus on investment in teams, work and careers. With 17 per cent growth year-on-year and 50 promotions made in the last year, the Belfast office continues to be a roaring success. Despite the huge growth, McLaughlin places a heavy emphasis on the positive culture of HSF ALT, which has undoubtedly contributed to its successful recruitment initiatives in an environment where hiring in new talent is tougher than ever.