Roundtable C: From risk management to business enablement


With UK organisations face an increasing number of risks, board priorities are focused on business fundamentals. However, as regulation and business scrutiny continue to increase, so will the risks of limited long-term planning. During this roundtable discussion we’ll explore how legal teams and litigators can deliver competitive advantage by navigating regulations, easing complexity and anticipating future risks.

  • Talent retention is a critical aspect of competitive advantage – how can you mitigate this risk?
  • Managing your reputation amongst a demanding and diverse set of stakeholders is critical – what steps should you take to do this
  • What impact are you seeing in your organisation of the rise in influence of ESG factors?
  • What role do you think litigators can play in strategic business planning and driving business growth?

Craig Thompson, Partner, TLT
Ed Fiddick, Partner, TLT