Roundtable B: Using AI and machine learning in multijurisdictional disputes and investigations


Managing multijurisdictional disputes and investigations can be challenging, expensive and time-consuming.  However, some emerging technologies can help to streamline and speed up this process. This session will consider how applying machine learning and AI to multijurisdictional disputes can help you to manage them more effectively.

  • Could applying AI and machine learning to your existing processes help with the logistics of managing multijurisdictional disputes?
  • Could using algorithms in your document review help to save you time and money?
  • How can you make use of what tech has learnt in one jurisdiction to make it easier to get ahead in another jurisdiction?
  • How could emerging technologies help you to keep track of the ever-changing landscape of international regulation and legislation?
  • Can using machine learning help you to solve issues with privilege in cross-jurisdictional investigations?

Leon Major, Director, Training & Advisory Services, KLDiscovery
Ben Fielding, Director, Business Development, KLDiscovery