Panel: Leading through the permacrisis


Leading a business successfully is an enormous challenge when crisis and change are constants, and something General Counsel are adapting to. This session will look at how GCs can approach leading through a chaotic period of difficult and unpredictable change.

  • Change management principles: how can you take staff on the journey and bring value to change, even when it is negative?
  • What did we learn from the pandemic about leading during an extended period of insecurity and instability?
  • How should you change your leadership style and strategy in a crisis?
  • Which skills you can hone or develop to prepare for the coming years, for example resilience?
  • How can GCs prevent hasty and risky decisions being made in times of crisis? Should it fall to the GC to intervene in matters of ethical ambiguity?


Sapna Dutta, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Health, Reckitt