Lawyers Against LonelinessPoll of the Day

Quiz of the Day

Theme: Sport

  1. In 1992, at the age of 19, who became the first overseas-born player to represent Yorkshire?
  2. Which American gymnast holds the record for the most World Artistic Gymnastics medals as well as the most gold medals in World Championship history for an athlete?
  3. Jesse Owens won four gold medals in which year’s Olympics?
  4. Who was the first Cricket player to reach 10,000 Test runs?
  5. What is the name of the British athlete who became an Olympic heptathlon champion in the 2012 Olympics?
  6. The film Cool Runnings is based on the true story of a Jamaican team’s historic debut in which Winter Olympic Sport?
  7. In which country was the last FIFA Women’s World Cup last held?
  8. Which British swimmer is regarded as Britain’s greatest Paralympian for 16 gold medals and two silvers over four Paralympic Games?
  9. Who was Mike Tyson’s last opponent in professional boxing?
  10. With which car did Fernando Alonso win his first drivers championship?

Dog of the day

1 Crown Office Row’s junior clerk Jack May’s dog Dora is pictured here enjoying the flowers.

Double Dog of the Day

“Sadly I can’t offer a current dog of the day as our lovely springer spaniel passed away earlier this year,” says Jude Shepherd, a barrister at 42 Bedford Row. “But this is my daughter Martha (7) with her pony, Rainbow and my rather daft mare, Ceri.

“I would like to say that they are keeping us sane in these difficult times, but I spent an hour chasing Rainbow round the field trying to catch him yesterday and Ceri is full of the joys of spring and attempts to trample me to death each morning as I turn her out, so it’s business as usual on the stable yard.”

The Lawyer Listens

One for those who miss the clubs, sunset parties and music festivals: American duo Odesza have recently partnered up with Australian producer Golden Features to create a new project entitled Bronson.

The first two tracks are a sample of what the album will probably sound like – full of bass, rhythm and ready for a concert when they are able to have one. The track of today, however, is a more mellow version of what the album should sound like, suited for anyone that just wants to have something to bob their head to while they work and dream of summer. –Ana de Liz

Yesterday’s quiz answers

Theme: movies

  1. Liddell​
  2. Argo
  3. Watson
  4. Apple
  5. Gregory’s Girl
  6. Ali
  7. Inn​
  8. Nile
  9. Star Wars
  10. The Borrowers

Hidden message – taking the first letter of each answer and then the last letter spells LAW AGAINST LONELINESS

Get involved

Anyone in the legal sector is welcome to contribute to any of the sections of Law Against Loneliness.

Here is how to contribute to a few of the regular features we have run so far.  Everything can be sent to

Video of the day

What we want are individual, personal contributions from lawyers and legal sector professionals working from home. You could be demonstrating a recipe, videoing your daily run, telling a joke, singing us a song, showing off a skill, or just telling us about your day and what you’ve been up to. We are very open to creativity – anything that uplifts or diverts.

What we don’t want is too many firm-branded videos talking about how seamlessly you have transitioned to a new way of working, please.

The Lawyer Listens

Contributors should send us a YouTube link and 100 words about the song in the style of previous entries.

Dog of the day

Self-explanatory. Send us dog pix. Or cats, ponies, rabbits, budgies etc. Don’t forget to let us know their name and give us a line of detail too if you’d like.


Show us life in isolation, either via email, or alternatively Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn posts can be tagged #lawagainstloneliness

Other ideas

We welcome other suggestions to go in these articles.