
Why crime is now big business for commercial firms

Corporate crime is not a new phenomenon, but over the past five years the commercial legal market has sat up and taken notice. Whereas once full-service commercial firms distanced themselves from their criminal counterparts, in recent years they have been rushing to bring in lawyers with a criminal background and increasingly partnering with business crime […]


Austria: Why firms don’t need to go abroad to win big ticket work

The Lawyer’s latest European 100 report revealed that three of Austria’s top law firms held onto their titles as some of the biggest on the continent. The country’s largest firms are Wolf Theiss, Schönherr, and Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati (CHSH). Combined, these firms brought in a total of €184m (£158m) last year.

Ashurst’s Ashes: Australia triumphs, England retires hurt

At The Lawyer’s managing partner dinner the other night the topic turned to Ashurst. “What happened there?” asked one of the assembled. “How did they let themselves go so much?” You hear this a lot around the market. The prevailing tone isn’t gloating, far from it: it’s incredulity mixed with sympathy. But there are nevertheless hard conclusions to be drawn from Ashurst’s story.