
Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 04/10/94

TIMOTHY DAVID WILSON, 37, admitted 1984, practised as Wilson and Co, Harrow, struck off and ordered to pay u2,507 costs. Allegations substantiated he wrongly drew money from client account and used it for own purposes, failed to comply with professional undertaking, and failed to comply with accounting rules. Tribunal told Wilson admitted u76,103 cash shortage […]

MGN Trustees' second action

On 6 October, the second of the actions commenced by MGN Pension Trustees seeking assets which the Mirror group Pension Scheme lost through the actions of Robert Maxwell comes before Mr Justice Lindsay. This action is against Bank of America and Credit Suisse for amounts up to u60 million, with credit to be given for […]

Litigation Writs 04/10/94

A woman has started High Court action for the return of videos showing her in sexual acts. Clare Denton, of London SE10, issuing Stephen Graham, of London SE18. She seeks an injunction restraining him from communicating to anyone secrets relating to her private life, personal affairs, or private conduct communicated to him in confidence and […]

Bid to hone advocacy skills

SENIOR QC Michael Sherrard is leading a major initiative aimed at improving the advocacy skills of young barristers. Standards have fallen so low that, according to Sherrard: “Sometimes they don’t even know how to address a magistrate.” Sherrard, of 2 Crown Office Row, has formed Middle Temple Advocacy (MTA) which will bring leading lights from […]

'Fundholders' still a live issue

The future of the controversial “fundholders for justice” proposals remains unclear following reports that the plans had been dumped as part of the Lord Chancellor’s Department’s (LCD) radical review. The LCD insists that the report by the Social Market Foundation is still being considered “with interest”, although insiders doubt whether the fundholders scheme can work […]


Magnum Power was advised by Shepherd & Wedderburn WS on its flotation on the USM

Property: Despa Deutsche buys John Lewis headquarters

Despa Deutsche Sparkassen Immobilien Anlage, advised by Simmons & Simmons, has bought the John Lewis headquarters at 171 Victoria St in London SW1 for u103.75m; the vendors being advised by Nabarro Nathanson.

How absent suppliers view Robson Rhodes' survey

Tony Landes; THE Robson Rhodes annual legal IT survey (The Lawyer, 5 July) has again produced some interesting results. I would take issue, however, with the chart purporting to illustrate the ‘most used legal software suppliers with marketshare more than 2.5 per cent’. To the cursory reader it implies, albeit inadvertently, that there are no […]

Litigation Writs 02/08/94

Soccer ace Eric Cantona has launched libel action against The Sun. In his writ Cantona, seeks exemplary libel damages from publishers over a Sun story on May 7 this year headed ‘Booze-ah Cantona’ and ‘He was nose to nose with me like a psycho.’ In addition to damages Cantona also seeks an injunction preventing the […]

Franchising logo unveiled

THIS is the logo that hundreds of solicitors’ offices will be parading to the public as proof of a quality legal aid service. More than 1,000 franchise applicants have heard they made it through the arduous audit. About 300 offices were weeded out but the majority are set to re-apply after making minor changes to […]

Morison takes over at Bar Council

Bar Council chief executive John Mottram retires this week after eight years in the post and is replaced by his deputy, Niall Morison. Morison, who once trained to be a solicitor and is popular choice among senior Bar members. Morison will be in charge of administering policy decided by the Bar Council. He expects to […]