
Robert Highmore wants more stringent laws against harassment

Finding a cause of action to support a claim for an injunction in commercial situations is usually not difficult. Advising a client who is being harassed – perhaps being “stalked” or having their offices picketed by someone bearing a grudge – on their cause of action is not so straightforward. While media or sports personalities […]

Circuses seek ruling

The possibility of future High Court action similar to that mounted by huntsmen against local authority bans on hunting on their land has been raised by the Association of Circus Proprietors. Many local authorities ban circuses with animal acts from using their land and now the association says it may seek a court ruling on […]

CPS draws up tough assault guidelines

NEW guidelines on assault charges are set to make it easier to convict threatening telephone callers of actual or grievous bodily harm. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) guidelines to police and prosecutors contains a checklist of injuries and other factors for each crime of assault, designed to increase consistency across Britain. But prosecutors will have […]


Filtronic Comtek was advised by Ralph C Yablon Temple-Milnes & Carr on its recent u44m flotation by way of a placing

Appeal on reporting

I write to object to the article published in The Lawyer 9 August under the heading ‘Secretary brands partner a “Bully” in tribunal’. The article purports to report proceedings brought by a secretary, Mrs June Hedley, against the firm, for unfair dismissal, but your report is neither fair nor accurate. Her only complaint notified before […]

Esquire or not esquire?

Referring to the Tulkinghorn item in the 27 September issue, perhaps the lady in question is an American lawyer? In the US, the title Esquire is customarily applied to lawyers and never to non-lawyers. I have had various irate lady US lawyers protest to me because I refuse to use the title Esquire after their […]

Richard Fox on the plaintiff's offer to settle

Richard Fox It has long been an anomaly in our High Court and County Court rules of procedure that a defendant has available the powerful tactical weapon of payment into court, yet there is no equivalent procedure available to the plaintiff. It should be possible for a plaintiff to bring pressure to bear upon the […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 04/10/94

THE HEAD of Herbert Smith’s education department, Alexandrina le Clezio, is to join the College of Law as director of continuing professional development. She leaves next month after six years at the City firm where she took articles and practised as a solicitor before setting up and heading the education department. She says: “I’m leaving […]

NI Bar could face bleak future

NORTHERN Irish barristers face a tougher time than solicitors if peace breaks out, according to Bar chairman Richard McLaughlin QC. McLaughlin says peace will mean less criminal work and a shift to commercial practice. Barristers will face growing competition from solicitors with High Court rights of audience next year, and an “overcrowded” Bar. This means […]

Seminar focuses on employment law

Bristol barrister Thomas Linden will host a seminar at the Law Society next month, discussing employment law and how it has been affected by the European Union. The seminar, organised by the London Young Solicitors Group, will be held on 19 October.

FE colleges sign up to ILEX PT scheme

Fifty-nine further education colleges have registered as assessment centres for a new training scheme launched by the Institute of Legal Executives’ Paralegal Training (ILEX PT). The scheme, which provides legal education for non-lawyers, is expected to be assessed through 10 additional assessment centres by Christmas.