
Ex-legal head back in spotlight

THE FORMER head of Westminster City Council’s legal department, Matthew Ives, has been re-interviewed about his role in the alleged homes-for-votes scandal after the examination of new documents by district auditor John Magill. Magill’s solicitor, Tony Child, confirms the auditor, with the co-operation of Westminster’s managing director, took joint custody of documents in March this […]


Manchester council

Manchester City Council’s solicitor’s office has more than 80 fee-earners, making it one of the largest in the country. Headed by Susan Orrell, the office employs solicitors, legal executives and a barrister, and provides services across the council on matters ranging from child protection to the development of new city projects. Staff recently carried out […]

Charities seek legal advice over EU debts

UK CHARITIES are to take legal advice in a bid to recover millions of pounds of debt from the European Union. Their efforts coincide with a European Commission condemnation of late payments by European businesses. The charities are having to borrow money from the Trustee Savings Bank at one per cent above base rate to […]

City firms question cost of payouts to prize-winners

CITY law firms are reviewing their policies of awarding incentive payments to recruits who excel in their qualifying examinations after this year’s College of Law results revealed a greater number of students gaining distinctions. In the past many of the top firms made one-off bonus payments to those students who achieved first and second-class honours […]

Lovell White Durrant

LOVELL White Durrant senior partner Cavan Taylor met US ambassador William Crowe at a Lancaster House reception hosted by environment secretary John Gummer MP. Lovell’s environmental partner, Michael Gallimore, also attended the event, which the firm sponsored. The firm is developing closer links with the 125 international companies from around the world who sent representatives.

Law Society to iron out qualifications

THE hotch-potch of courses available to para-legals has prompted the Law Society to work towards its own qualifications for solicitors’ staff. A questionnaire is being sent out to practitioners to identify areas to be tested. The idea is to develop a recognised training programme within the framework of National Vocational Qualifications to ensure standards are […]

North west recruitment crisis

ONLY one of the 200 trainee barristers applying to Liverpool-based Exchange Chambers can hope for pupillage there next year. And only one out of 250 applicants for a place at the Manchester office of Davies Arnold Cooper will get the job. The figures make alarming reading for lawyers wishing to work in the north-west. Roger […]

Lawyers host US exchange party

Nine US judges and lawyers are to meet nine of their UK counterparts on 11 September as part of an ongoing exchange scheme. Master of the Rolls Sir Thomas Bingham will lead the welcoming party. The two sides will discuss the appointment and training of judges, judicial control and alternative dispute resolution. A UK delegation […]

Brocket trial abandoned

Lord Brocket’s legal proceedings against a number of insurers due to go to trial nextonth have been abandoned. The proceedings against General Accident, Lloyd’s and insurance brokers John Scott and Partners, were issued following the insurers’ refusal to pay a claim of u4.5 million. The claim arose from the theft of three Ferraris, one Maserati […]

Lawyers offered reductions on long-distance phone calls

Fennell Betson A new telecommunications network using the National Grid’s electricity carrying system is offering law firms and chambers reductions of at least 10 per cent on British Telecom rates for their national non-local calls. On average, 60 to 70 per cent of the legal profession’s calls by value are long-distance – over 30 miles […]

Foot & Bowden steps up expansion in office move

FOOT & Bowden has bought the Plymouth city centre offices of Television South West for a knockdown u700,000. The book value of the offices was estimated at u1.25 million. Joint senior partner Tony Holland says: “This building has enormous potential. It will allow us to plan long-term growth. “There had been a period of uncertainty […]

Firms liaise on Cornish tin mine share offer

Cornish commercial firm Stephens & Scown has teamed up with fellow Law Group member, London firm Lawrence Graham, on the u1.8 million public share offer for South Crofty, owners of Cornwall’s last working tin mine. Such significance was attached locally to the Redruth mine that local people have made up 20 per cent of the […]