
Things can only get better

Law firms in the South East were the hardest hit by the recession, but Simon Rogers discovers that things are improving The South East is not the homogeneous region of popular imagination. Dominated by London in the centre, it suffered more than any other area in the recession and is only just beginning to pull […]

Peppers bridges St Petersburg 'culture gap'

US FIRM Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz has stolen a march on its larger compatriots and UK City firms with its appointment as legal adviser to the city of St Petersburg. The agreement between the firm and officials representing St Petersburg was signed on 9 November. The chair of Pepper Hamilton’s 20-lawyer Russian and central Asian […]

Law students fail on free Gazette bid

THE LAW Society’s refusal to distribute its weekly journal The Gazette to upcoming members of the profession has been described as a “slap in the face” to students. And Trainee Solicitor’s Group (TSG) chair Richard Moorhead says the decision not to resume distribution has dismayed the group, which had viewed the magazine as an important […]

Lawyer blasts 'shocking' council

A former local government lawyer has shed light on the “appalling treatment” meted out to officers in highly politicised authorities. Robert Lewis, former deputy chief solicitor at Westminster City Council, says nothing could have prepared him for his “shocking” experience at the flagship Tory borough. Officers came under attack from both Conservative councillors and Labour […]

Strangled by a necklace of bad debt

Tim Miller explains the background to the demise of Deacon Goldrein Green, which is facing bankruptcy proceedings When Andrew Macfarlane addressed the Law Society’s legal aid conference three years ago he issued a chilling warning: “Bankers don’t have social consciences.” Macfarlane, the then managing partner of Deacon Goldrein Green (DGG), told the Lord Chancellor that […]

DPP warns of 'vulnerable' witnesses

A JUSTICE system where decisions of guilt or innocence are based on the fortitude of witnesses rather than the truth of allegations should not be permitted, the Director of Public Prosecutions says. Addressing last week’s Tom Sargant memorial lecture for law reform group Justice, CPS head Barbara Mills QC said everyone in a trial had […]

SPG election loser heads strategy group

The Sole Practitioners Group (SPG) has formed a strategy committee to be headed by the loser in the recent leadership campaign. The new sub-committee will be chaired by David O’Hagan, who failed in an attempt to oust SPG chair Arnold Rosen in the summer’s election campaign. John Lymbury, from Nottingham, who unsuccessfully stood as vice […]

Support grows for Addison

THE CROWN Prosecution Service is facing a growing storm of protest and a possible civil action over the suspension of Neil Addison, a senior Crown prosecutor and Bar Council member. The Bar Council and leading public sector lawyers are supporting Addison, who was suspended last month for writing newspaper articles on Bar matters. They have […]

Justice calls for insolvency law changes

Justice, the legal campaigning group, has attacked current law for creating a “serious imbalance of power” in the insolvency system by being overwhelmingly prejudicial to small businesses and individuals. The group calls for changes including an insolvency ombudsman, more advice for small debtors, a two-tier bankruptcy system, a national insolvency strategy, a creditors’ charter, and […]

Deacons partner speaks out for first time on 'faded dream'

THE FORMER senior partner of Deacon Goldrein Green has called for a package of urgent reforms to save other firms from insolvency, following the collapse of the high-profile Liverpool legal aid chain. Andrew Macfarlane, who took charge of Deacons when it was re-formed in 1992, says: “Some of the problems we had are probably festering […]

Back to school for judges says JSB

JUDGES may have to attend college before sitting on the bench if one of the proposals considered by the Judicial Studies Board’s internal review is taken up. Chair of the board Lord Justice Henry will head the steering group, which is conducting a review of the board’s structure, resources and activities. The current system of […]

Broome creditors await IVA decision

Lawyers for creditors of leisure industry chief John Broome, who built and sold Alton Towers, are waiting for the outcome of a reconvened creditors’ meeting that will decide whether his individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) is to be accepted. If not, bankruptcy proceedings may follow. A creditors’ meeting several weeks ago accepted proposals by Broome’s wife […]