
Atlantic legal wrangle worsens

The mass of legal actions involved in the disastrous acquisition of Atlantic Computers by British & Commonwealth Holdings is set to become more entangled following the start of legal action by partners of former accountants Spicer & Oppenheim. Spicers, the former auditor of Atlantic, has issued a writ against KPMG Peat Marwick, which had audited […]

Dibbs partner wins Chamber re-election

Dibb Lupton Broomhead’s London employment partner, Jill Andrew, has been re-elected as director of the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Andrew, chair of the Employment Lawyers’ Group, has specialised in employment law for more than 13 years. She joined the chamber’s board in 1992 and was the first woman to be elected as a […]

EU immigration judgment on transfers

A European Court judgment in a major immigration case will lead to Continental businesses being allowed to transfer non-European employees between European Union states without needing work permits, say immigration lawyers. The ruling in the Belgian case, Vander Elst, should affect companies providing a service within Europe and, by extension, may affect any firm setting […]


Anti-piracy group Fast (Federation Against Software Theft) has announced the first jail sentence for a company director for illegal software reproduction. David Boyle, director of Oxford-based AMD Systems, was jailed for six months and ordered to pay u5,000 costs after u40 million worth of illegal software was seized by anti-piracy officers.

Nick Hancock thinks it is time for justice to be made affordable

At a recent conference, separate panels of English and German lawyers solved a case study. The audience was impressed by the English solicitors’ Anton Piller order and broad discovery – until it emerged that it would cost ten times more to bring the case to trial here than in Germany. As Lord Woolf prepares for […]

European Informatics Market

A British IT group is to enquire into proposed European legislation which would affect payments between banks. Eurim (European Informatics Market) is canvassing around 1,000 companies for their views on the proposals – which will affect all money transfers. Among other issues, the proposals aim to identify originators of transactions.

Arista accounts

London-based Jarvis & Bannister is to integrate the Arista accounts, practice database and marketing modules from Kienzle Systems into its existing network. The system will be based on Digital’s DECpc XL Unix set-up. The firm already operates two Novell-based networks in its offices.


Sussex firm Rawlison & Butler has launched a new debt recovery package, QUADS. The package is designed to produce step-by-step progress reports prior to commencement of proceedings, judgment in default and enforcement with cost estimates.

Flying club faces negligence charges

Roger Pearson looks ahead Claims resulting from a widely publicised mid air crash between two light aircraft over a busy motor way junction are expected to reach the High Court later this year. In one case – Brewin v Redhill Flying Club Ltd and another – the dependant of the pilot of one of the […]

Liverpool set and law firm vie over premises

Andrew Burnyeat reports EXCHANGE Chambers’ plan to expand its Liverpool base may be thwarted by a firm of solicitors. Exchange shares the Pearl Assurance Building in Derby Square, Liverpool, with Pearl Assurance and solicitors Hill Dickinson Davis Campbell. Pearl Assurance, the landlord firm, is understood to be planning to move, vacating about a quarter of […]

Burton's first to win sponsorship award

THE chambers of Michael Burton QC at 2 Crown Office Row has become the first set to win a Business Sponsorship Incentive Scheme award for backing a concert in the Purcell Tercentenary Festival. The money will be used to sponsor another concert in the series, which will be staged at London’s Wigmore Hall from October […]