
UK lawyers are more willing to slam trial by television

UK and US lawyers found themselves on opposite sides of the fence in a controversial ABA debate on trial by television. The argument was triggered by the OJ Simpson trial. Simpson was seen on national television driving at top speed away from chasing police cars before being apprehended. The public has been well-informed on the […]


Seltek has improved security on its voice processing systems to prevent unauthorised users deleting mailboxes and messages. A mailbox is locked automatically after five incorrect attempts have been made to access it. If two mailboxes are locked within a two-minute period the system locks up.

SHE flies through the air with the greatest of ease

SHE flies through the air with the greatest of ease… then goes and takes down details from suspects at police stations. Solicitor Lucy Morgan ran away to the circus at the age of 25. Three years on, she is about to start her second term in trapeze at one of the world’s most prestigious circus […]

Advice centre wins legal aid franchises

The Mary Ward advice centre in London has been awarded legal aid franchise contracts for a total of six categories. Lawyers have demonstrated their quality in the fields of debt, employment, housing, matrimonial, personal injury, and welfare benefits. The centre is one of the first advice agencies to be awarded such contracts.

Antiques or old lace?

William Rouse advises solicitors to be more realistic when valuing estates Six hundred pounds was the sum the solicitor agreed to, but thanks to a thoughtful neighbour (a policeman) who bought in professional valuers, the contents of a deceased’s estate went for u15,000. This happens all the time. A solicitor’s job is to yield the […]

Lawyers form group to fight changes feared in High Court debt moves

LAWYERS have united in a new body to fight expected Government moves to shift High Court smaller debt proceedings to the County Court. The High Court Users’ Association for Commercial Debt, will lobby the Lord Chancellor to retain the High Court facility for issuing proceedings for debts of up to u5,000. The association, whose members […]

Young Bar nets u100,000 for Eurotwin scheme

THE PROLIFIC lawyer-writers of Booth & Co in Leeds have penned or contributed to more than one dozen books over the past year. The family law department has proved particularly industrious, coming up with eight books, two yet to be published. One of them, the first book by family lawyers on pensions, had to be […]

Lawyers urged to ban sexist judges

LEADING corporate finance lawyer Mike Francies, one of Clifford Chance’s highest billers, is quitting the firm to head US firm Weil Gotshal & Manges’ corporate practice in London. Francies, who is thought to have billed about £3m last year, has been given a mandate by his new firm to build a corporate finance and M&A […]

LYSG holds annual international bash

The London Young Solicitors’ Group (LYSG) will hold its annual International Weekend from 30 September to 3 October. Between 75 and 100 lawyers representing groups around the world have been invited to the weekend which will consist of a series of lectures including a session organised by the European Young Lawyers’ Association. The weekend will […]

Lawyer to explain in-house 'mystique'

IN-HOUSE lawyers are foreigners on their own soil – misunderstood by employers who fail to grasp their legal language and distant from the purists in private practice. But now one of their number is setting out to interpret the work of the employed sector by putting together a translation. Richard Bean, litigation manager with Yorkshire […]

Booths brimming with authors

THE PROLIFIC lawyer-writers of Booth & Co in Leeds have penned or contributed to more than one dozen books over the past year. The family law department has proved particularly industrious, coming up with eight books, two yet to be published. One of them, the first book by family lawyers on pensions, had to be […]

Commission to rule on PI structures

THE LAW Commission will give its verdict next week on reforms to the system of structured settlements in personal injury cases. Plaintiff lawyers say clients should have a statutory right to periodic payments rather than a lump sum. Insurers are also broadly in favour of the principle of structured settlements but want to see changes […]