
Members not lured by free legal advice

PEOPLE are not flocking to sign up with trade unions which offer free legal advice and financial services. This is the conclusion of an official survey by Labour Research, released in time to surprise lawyers at last week’s TUC conference. Union members were asked why they had joined their union. Only 12 per cent of […]

Susan O'Brien is losing patience with incompetent lawyers

Susan O’Brien One of the trickiest opponents to deal with is the incompetent solicitor. You rightly expect your opponent to try to make life difficult for you as a means of advancing his client’s case. It is your job to recognise the strategy and deal with it. This is quite different from a failure to […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 13/09/94

CLIVE MILLER HINDLE, 46, admitted 1973, practising at material time in partnership as Hindle Campbell, North Shields, cleared of allegations of unbefitting conduct. Allegations were that: he acted in a manner which compromised or impaired or was likely to compromise or impair his acting in clients’ best interests and/or good repute of the respondent or […]

IT in brief

A new guide to legal technology has been published by Chiswick-based Marketeer, organiser of the Barbican technology exhibition. ‘The Legal Technology Directory 1994’ is a comprehensive guide to suppliers, networks and hardware, and is available priced at u10 plus Vat. Adobe, producer of the well-known Illustrator software, has now completed its takeover of the Aldus […]

IT in firms

Bolton firm Keogh Ritson has placed a repeat order with Sanderson GA for extra modules as part of the Qnix set up. The modules ordered include: client accounts, time recording, pay roll, and purchase and nominal ledger. Manchester firm Joan Ferguson & Co is the latest to buy a system from Quill Computer Systems. The […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: FIONA BOYLE

The European chapter of the American Corporate Counsel Association (Acca) – the world’s largest association of in-house legal counsel with 11,000 members – is to debate whether to take a stand against multidisciplinary partnerships (MDPs). Acca will tackle the thorny issue at its fifth annual European conference, which is being held on 5-6 October in […]

City firms lose ground to West End

TOP City law firms deny they are being squeezed out of important business by their medium-sized rivals despite new statistics out this week. The figures show that the number of assistants at the top 10 City firms has dropped below 1992 levels, and that assistants’ salary rates have fallen for the first time in living […]

Palmer takes a turn at Hutchison

SOLICITOR Howard Palmer is switching in-house for a nine-month spell at Hutchison Telecommunications. He is being seconded from the company commercial department of Bristol firm Bevan Ashford. Paul Cooper, head of the department, says: “We felt that it would be a good opportunity for Howard to get an insight into, and experience of, the practicalities […]

Can lawyers be 'experts'?

There is no reason why lawyers should not make good consultants. Indeed, consultancy work’s transactional nature makes it more akin to law practice than to accountancy. But a consultant needs to have two primary attributes – expertise and skills. For most lawyers their expertise lies in the law, not personnel or practice management or IT. […]

Partner leaves Hull firm to go it alone

SOLICITOR David Macnamara has broken away from established Hull practice Stamp Jackson & Procter to set up as a sole practitioner. Macnamara has bought out the office in Withernsea where he has been partner in charge for the last 10 years. Both sides describe the buyout as “very amicable” and Macnamara intends to retain links […]

Bonds deal proves that small really is beautiful

A SMALL two-partner West End firm has shown that it has the mettle to take on the best of the City when it comes to big property deals. The company, Bonds, recently found itself working on a joint-venture project for an un-named German client to acquire for u35 million St Catherine’s House, a London property […]