
Avis in moves against Truckpoint

Avis Rent-a-Car has issued proceedings against Truckpoint, its former licensee in Southwark in South London, claiming an injunction and damages. Truckpoint is alleged to have continued to hold itself out as an Avis Rent-a-Car licensee after the termination of its licence in June this year.

MPE and Bovis face two separate suits

Lincoln-based Andrew & Co is acting for two plaintiffs, D McMillan and HC Carruthers, in their separate High Court actions against MPE Ltd and Bovis Construction, which arise from the same event. The defendants are represented by Birkett Westhorpe & Long.



1 Bruckhaus Westrick Stegemann 145 74 71 Belgium, US, Japan 2 Radler Raupach Bezzenberger 138 38 100 Belgium,US 3 Punder Volhard Weber & Axster 130 60 70 Belgium, Hungary, China, Russia, Poland, US 4 Boden Oppenhoff Rasor & Raue 109 54 55 Belgium, Czech Republic, Uk, US 4 Droste Killius Triebel 105 30 75 China, […]

Litigation Writs 27/09/94

Antony Shrimplin, who was badly hurt when he threw himself under a tube train in 1989, has launched a High Court claim against East London and the City Health Authority claiming they failed to take adequate care of him. Shrimplin, of London W1, alleges his injuries were the result of negligence in his treatment as […]

Zeffirelli libel action reels on

Despite an apology to Italian film director Franco Zeffirelli in a recent issue of Screen International, the libel proceedings against the magazine look set to continue. Michael Bowler, senior partner of West End firm Harbottle & Lewis, which issued a writ on behalf of Zeffirelli, says the publication issued its statement off its own bat […]


No Firm Total lawyers PTrs Other lawyers 1 Nagashima & Ohno 65 16 49 1 Yuasa & Hara 65 25 40 3 Anderson Mori 48 15 33 3 Nishimura & Sanasa 48 14 34 5 Mori Sogo Law offices 43 20 23 6 Masuda & Ejiri 40 14 26 7 Matsuo & Kosugi 30 5 […]


No FIRM Total lawyers PTrs Other lawyers OVERSEAS OFFICES 1 Gide Loyrette Nouel 238 55 183 US, Brussels, Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia (2), Spain, Vietnam, 2 Bureau Francis Lefebvre 173 48 125 Argentina, Spain, UK, Russia, Germany, Belgium, US 3 SG Archibald 116 26 90 US, UK, Australia, China, India, […]

Systems in firms

Kent firm Hallett & Co is spending u150,000 on a new legal setup from Kienzle Systems. The firm has ordered Arista practice management, as well as WordPerfect for Windows and Lotus 1-2-3. The software will run on a network of 25 PCs linked by Novell Netware. The system goes live in mid-November.

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 27/09/94

DAVID JOHN SHIRLEY, 56, admitted 1963, practised as Dubow Shirley and Smith, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, struck off and ordered to pay u1,125 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to maintain books correctly, wrongly drew and used for his own purposes client money, gave false and misleading information to clients. Tribunal told that as result of his activities […]

Advocacy rates fuel fees row

Angry barristers’ reports of solicitor-advocates grossing up to twice as much as them in legal aid fees for the same advocacy work in the Crown Court, has spurred the Bar Council to seek urgent changes to the fee rates. The Bar is concerned that solicitors’ hourly legal aid rates for minor court work, established before […]


South Country Homes was advised by Berwin Leighton on its recent London Stock Exchange flotation.