
Bar hit by subs shortfall

Bar Council finances have been hit once again by barristers’ non-payment of subscriptions, which left a hole of some u157,000 in the Bar’s budgeted subscription income of u2 million for the year April 1993 to April 1994. But according to the draft accounts to be discussed at last weekend’s Bar Council meeting, total income deficit […]

Slaughters stars in numbers of quoted clients

Slaughter and May is the firm with the greatest number of UK stockmarket clients, comfortably leading the field with 119 clients, more than a quarter of which are FT-SE 100 companies. Linklaters & Paines comes in second place with 95 clients. The figures appear in the Hemington Scott Top Corporate Advisers Tables in the latest […]

Brechers brushes up its images

Simon rogers reports London firm Brecher & Co has bought a litigation support system from supplier Ymijs. Ymijs’s (pronounced ‘images’) system is already used by other litigation departments, including those of Turner Kenneth Brown and Gouldens. The package, Rkyv (pronounced ‘archive’), is able to store hard copy documents once they have been scanned into the […]

Clearing up confusion

In his article published on 13 September “The case against unit trusts”, Mr Morton is at best confusing and at worst inaccurate. He compares unit trusts with investment trusts, saying that shareholders in investment trusts can always sell in the stockmarket even if the price is unattractive. This is simply not true. In the worst […]

Barristers may become rarer species

BRITAIN’S barristers will be a depleted force by the end of the century because of “extremely large fees”. Roger Smith, Legal Action Group director, told a Nottingham Law School’s litigation school ‘Question Time’ session in London that the number of barristers would fall by 25 per cent in two years and by 50 per cent […]

US firm bows out in wake of increased costs

US FIRM Lord Day & Lord, Barrett Smith decided to dissolve this week in the face of mounting costs. The news will affect many Lloyd’s Names who comprise much of the firm’s client base. Some 55 Lord Day fee earners – including the entire corporate team and half its litigators – will join Morgan Lewis […]

Army officer fights advocacy 'test case'

Army officer and solicitor Lt Col Stephen Vowles, who has applied for rights of audience in the higher courts, is hoping that his application will be a ‘test case’ for other service lawyers. Vowles tried to arrange a block exemption from the Law Society’s training programme for the army’s 29 solicitors on the strength of […]

Credit Suisse forms legal panel

Credit Suisse, one of the top three Swiss banks, has appointed seven leading firms to a new legal panel in a move which aims to control cost and quality of services provided. The firms – Allen & Overy, Denton Hall, Herbert Smith, Stephenson Harwood, Watson Farley & Williams, Lawrence Graham and Rayner De Wolfe – […]

Prospects look up for trainees as top firms increase recruitment

Top firms Herbert Smith and Clifford Chance are reporting an improvement in recruitment figures for trainees. But the Trainee Solicitors Group has warned against complacency, saying although the signs are good, the number of available training places is still greatly outweighed by the volume of graduates leaving the legal practice course. Herbert Smith’s recruitment partner, […]

Irish inquiry costs 'meaty' sum

The recent report of the ‘beef’ tribunal of inquiry in the Irish Republic has left angry taxpayers with an Iru30 million bill in legal fees. One senior counsel earned over Irul million, the equivalent of the total estimated cost of Britain’s Scott Inquiry into the Arms-for-Iraq affair. Faced with widespread criticism over what is seen […]

Wright swaps Pitmans for Penningtons

Thames Valley firm Pitmans has parted company with salaried commercial partner Rupert Wright, who is now working at Penningtons in Newbury. Wright’s departure follows the loss, this year, of four other partners – three in the intellectual property department. The firm is also losing Wendy Lefkin an assistant in the IP section who is joining […]

Revised Ogden Tables published

Lawyers and actuaries have come up with a revised version of the Ogden Tables which are used for working out personal injury damages. The tables show how to calculate loss of earnings and loss of pension rights, and additional guidance is now included allowing for future unemployment and sickness. Sir Michael Ogden QC, responsible for […]