
Countrywide conveyancing

The first part of Conquest stands for conveyancing,” says Richard Berenson, chair of the legal network. “It doesn’t mean we want to rule the world.” Maybe not, but since its inception in 1991 and launch in 1992, the network has grown quickly from a few dozen firms to 250, with 350 offices covering England and […]

Linklaters three-in-one office move

LINKLATERS & Paines has announced plans to move three London offices to a new location by 1997. The firm has agreed to a conditional pre-let of Milton House and Shire House, adjoining buildings on Silk Street in the City. Head of marketing Conor Boden says: “We have been looking to bring our three London offices […]

Clifford Chance funds Oxford Euro chair

Clifford Chance is funding a new Oxford University professorship of European Law. The professor will direct the university’s new Centre for the Advanced Study of European Comparative Law. The post is being advertised across Europe. Vice-chancellor Dr Peter North QC says: “The professorship will provide a focus for legal analysis, study and research at the […]

LAPG sets up franchise user forum

A national franchise-user forum is being set up under the umbrella of the Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG), despite fears of diverging interests. A steering group was appointed last week to create a franchise sub-committee comprising representatives from each legal aid area. LAPG chair Lyn Devonald says an overwhelming majority of members who had been […]

Thompson partnerships set to reunite

ROBIN Thompson & Partners and Brian Thompson & Partners, the leading trades union and personal injury firms, are expected to announce the result of merger talks this week. A partnership meeting at Robin Thompsons at the weekend is expected to confirm the timescale for the move. Both firms hope the merger will be soon. Geoff […]

Eversheds Jaques talks 'going well'

Talks between national law firm Eversheds and City-based Jaques & Lewis are said to be going well. If a merger went ahead, Jaques & Lewis would become the Eversheds London office, with Eversheds staff leaving the Gunpowder Square office and moving into Victoria Street. The move would create the country’s largest law firm with over […]

And this year's winners are…

STUDENTS from law schools around the country have been named in the winners’ list of this year’s Leonard Sainer Education Foundation Awards. The awards, presented by City firm Titmuss Sainer Dechert and National Westminster Bank, are named in honour of the firm’s late founder. They provide an interest-free loan of up to u5,000 to assist […]

SCB pay-outs go through the roof

LATEST figures from the Law Society reveal that pay-outs from the Solicitors’ Complaints Bureau reached an historic high in 1993 – but dishonesty and shoddy work will ensure the record is broken again in 1994. Solicitors spent u23 million last year bailing out their professional colleagues – up by more than 50 per cent on […]

Law Society publishes authorities' guide to CCT

THE LAW Society has published a new handbook to help local authorities in the preparation of contracts for compulsory competitive tendering. The guide, prepared by the society’s practice development committee, outlines the issues which need to be considered during the tendering process. It claims there are “considerable” benefits in selecting the right provider of professional […]

Committee guilty of racism

A BLACK probation officer was subjected to racial discrimination by his employer, the Merseyside Probation Committee, which denied him access to a practice teacher’s course, the Liverpool industrial tribunal has ruled. In its decision handed down on 7 October the tribunal, which sat for 24 days, accepted the argument of Hamilton De Gale who claimed […]

Howard toughens line on Justice Bill

HOME secretary Michael Howard slammed the “woolly-headed brigade” trying to block the controversial Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill before unveiling his latest plans for the justice system. An identity card system, the world’s first DNA database of criminals, and new court powers to confiscate the proceeds of crime are among his latest law and […]

Russells appoints marketing expert

London law firm Charles Russell has appointed Simon Slater, former head of marketing and corporate communications at DTZ Debenham Thorpe, to the new position of marketing director. He will focus on market development, communications and raising the firm’s profile within its core market sectors.