
CMH unveils progressive recruitment package

CITY firm Cameron Markby Hewitt is taking major steps forward in trainee recruitment, including a two-stage process involving new tests and an equal opportunities policy. The firm, known for its progressive personnel approach, says the latest changes are part of an on-going series of developments and are due to be in place later this year. […]

Plum job up for grabs

LAWYERS were stunned by news that a New York firm is offering a u450,000 salary – believed to be the highest advertised salary for a UK lawyer. The advertisement is appearing in major national newspapers and trade press over the next seven days and is handled by recruitment consultant Quarry Dougall. Quarry Dougall recently ran […]

Judge backs insurance disclosure plan

LITIGATION lawyers in favour of compulsory disclosure of insurance cover, to save time and money, have the backing of a leading judge. A proposal put forward at the Centre of Advanced Litigation conference was given qualified support by Mr Justice Otton. Delegates said money would not be wasted pursuing people unable to pay if defendants […]

TV lawyer heads Silkins media unit

WESTMINSTER-based firm Lewis Silkin has launched a new media law unit headed by the former head of legal services at Anglia Television, Robin Stephenson. Stephenson joins the firm at partner level and leads a “tailored service” for the existing clients in the world of television, radio, satellite, cable and telecommunications. At Anglia, where Stephenson also […]

Tribunals a forum for 'Euro-claims'

INDUSTRIAL tribunals have accepted a wider jurisdiction to hear “Euro-claims” against the State after a ruling handed down in Newcastle-upon-Tyne confirmed they were an appropriate forum in which to hear actions relating to the failure to adequately implement EU law in the UK. The decision, passed in a case involving mass redundancies in the Swan […]

Conveyancing rule aims to deflect gazump blame

the Law Society Council has put guidance regulating the conduct of solicitors selling property on a more formal footing by passing a practice rule. The rule states that if a seller decides to deal with more than one buyer, then the solicitor, with the client’s consent, should notify all those parties who are involved in […]

Friends of the Earth lobbies for new bill

Environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth will lobby Parliament to pass a new bill aimed at changing the UK’s “wholly inadequate” conservation laws. The bill, to be unveiled on 26 October, was produced by the group’s lawyers.

Lovell White Durrant backs wordsmiths

Lovell White Durrant is to sponsor the 1994 International Awards for Students, a writing competition for students. This year, entrants will have to write an essay based on the title: When does lobbying become an abuse of the parliamentary system? More students than ever are expected to take part. Lord Scarman has dubbed the question […]

Brooke warns against return to 'dark ages'

The chair of the Law Commission called on the Bar to back a campaign to make law reform easier. Mr Justice Brooke said the need to improve the quality of laws must top the all-party political agenda. “I have not yet seen any evidence of parliamentary procedures which are robust enough to ensure that the […]

Taylor to back fees rebellion

LAW Lords are expected to stage a rebellion against conditional fees next week, but the introduction of the “no win, no fee” system will not be delayed, it is claimed. The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Taylor, is backing opposition to the plans, which he says will be disastrous for litigants. He is among those supporting […]

Elly rallies troops over legal aid

LAW Society President Charles Elly issued a rallying call to his beleaguered troops when he told the solicitors’ conference: “I salute you.” Elly paid tribute to the dedication of legal aid lawyers who worked for next to nothing and hit out at the constant carping by chief constables and government spokesmen. His stark warning was […]

Freeman seeks apology from the Standard

Insolvent solicitor Michael Freeman, who has declared debts of u1.5 million, is taking action to defend his reputation by seeking an apology and retraction from London’s Evening Standard newspaper after it published several news stories about him. Freeman’s solicitors, Jay Benning Levine & Peltz, wrote to the Evening Standard last week claiming that two articles […]