
Page swaps Withers for Penningtons

CITY firm Withers has lost its French-based partner Henry Page to the Paris office of Penningtons. Page, who started work with the commercial practice last month after six years with Withers, has brought assistant Christian Couvrat with him to the three-member office. A resident in Paris for more than 13 years, Page is qualified as […]

Coal Authority looks outside for legal advice

The newly-established Coal Authority, which this month took over as the industry’s regulatory body, has recruited Ian Cartwright as its in-house lawyer. Cartwright, who has switched from the Potato Marketing Board, is the authority’s solicitor and secretary with responsibility for farming out legal work to private practice. He confirms he is in discussion with English […]

Unison sues successfully for social worker

Northumberland County Council has been successfully sued in the High Court by senior social worker John Walker. Unison solicitors, acting for Walker, claimed that an impossible workload, lack of staff and refusals to provide back-up by the council led to a stress-induced nervous breakdown. The High Court ruled the council was liable to damages for […]

Stein cleared of fraud

WELL-KNOWN sports lawyer Mel Stein has been acquitted of mail fraud and money laundering charges by a New Orleans court. Stein, consultant at London firm Finers, avoided extradition when he flew out to the US to face the charges along with a US lawyer a month ago. The US lawyer was also acquitted. He had […]

Bar hauls up Inns over equal opportunities code

THE INNS of Court have failed to show a 100 per cent commitment to equal opportunities, according to senior Bar Council members. The council is set to pull the Inns into line with its own code of equal opportunity practice following a vote at the Bar’s AGM. Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn and Middle Temple rejected […]

Garretts swoops on Manchester

GARRETT & Co has set out to poach the best of the north west to fill its new office in Manchester. The fast-growing Arthur Andersen off-shoot last week announced the opening of its second office within six months. The firm is looking to lure senior lawyers and their teams from existing Manchester practices. Davies Arnold […]

DoT expects road conveyancing to generate stiff competition

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport says it is expecting “a significant amount of interest” from law firms by this week’s deadline for conveyancing work tenders. The DoT invited bids for the conveyancing work for England’s trunk road network last month. It follows a pilot project by the DoT’s north-west office to market-test the effectiveness of contracting […]

Fladgates adds to property department

London commercial firm Fladgate Fielder has appointed Juliusz Wodzianski, formerly senior assistant at McKenna & Co, as partner in its expanding property department. The news follows a string of high-profile appointments to Fladgate Fielder’s commercial department over the past 12 months, including former Simon Olswang & Co partner Nicolas Greenstone, Daniel Shier, a dual-qualified US-UK […]

Research sets the standard

NINE leading in-house lawyers have completed pioneering research looking at quality control for the employed sector. The work, led by the Law Society’s commerce and industry group, is now set to be published in the form of a book or a series of articles. Charles Twiss, who heads the legal services department at British Gas, […]

EU considers limits on fund investment

The European Union is considering a draft communication on the movement of funds and investment services. This would declare illegal certain national restrictions limiting pension fund investment overwhelmingly to local bonds and managers.

Addison to continue fight

SUSPENDED CPS barrister Neil Addison has vowed to fight on for employed lawyers’ advocacy rights after he suffered a narrow defeat at the Bar Council AGM. Addison, who says he is heartened by the slim 69-77 margin against his motion, is considering collecting the 100 signatures necessary to force a postal vote on the subject. […]

Jeffrey Green Russell acts on Broome debt

Jeffrey Green Russell is acting for a group of seven trade creditors at the creditors’ meeting this week relating to leisure industry chief John Broome. The situation revolves around an interim order issued on 19 October 1994 to block several bankruptcy claims against Broome. This has now been extended to 10 January 1995. The ex-parte […]