
Neighbourhood watch

The High Court has been called in to decide a dispute between neighbours. London firm Cumberland Ellis Peirs, acting on behalf of a property company, has launched an action against a tenant who has glued the front door locks of neighbouring flats and cut wires to the entry phone after accusing his female neighbours of […]

Mine of information

The client database is a treasure trove of information which can be an invaluable marketing tool, writes Delia Venables The phrase ‘client database’ is used loosely and can mean anything from a basic extension of the accounting system to a highly complex marketing capability. There are two types of client database.

World Wide Web nets legal journal

Simon Rogers Legal academics worldwide could have free access to a new UK legal journal through their PCs if funding is forthcoming. The service, which will be provided by lawyers at Newcastle University, will run over the World Wide Web – a sub-set of the Internet. Newcastle Law School Lecturer Bruce Grant, who has set […]

Brinks Matt stash fight

April 1995 will see the start of a legal battle over the proceeds of the Brinks Matt bullion robbery. A multi-handed claim, anticipated to last at least 12 weeks, which was brought by Brinks Matt’s underwriters is scheduled to begin with the aim of recovering as much of the u26 million stolen as possible. With […]

Nigerian law expert links up with Pepys

NIGERIAN lawyer, Chima Umezuruike, has joined Pepys Chambers to advise on English and Nigerian law. He retains his position in chambers in Lagos, and is one of the few London lawyers qualified to practise in these two jurisdictions. He returned to England in 1990 to practise first as a solicitor and then as a barrister. […]

Making the most of interactive training

Legal training has not been subject to the same onslaught from information technology as other aspects of the business. While computer graphics are occasionally brought in to jazz up presentations, the tired trinity of presenter, flip chart and slide projector persists. Now we have an alternative for legal training in the development of interactive compact […]


Addleshaws has two main marketing objectives. The first priority is to increase the amount of work it derives from utilities and companies listed on the stock exchange. Second, it aims to get more work from small to medium-sized businesses. It has set about doing this by emphasising the ‘quality’ of its lawyers and the services […]

Don't sell yourself short

The legal profession has come rather late to the marketing party, but it’s catching up quickly, as Robert Grey discovers Lawyers have only recently embraced marketing. The profession has lagged behind others – in part because of historical restrictions on advertising – at a time when the need to promote and position your firm in […]

Stand out from the crowd

Differentiating your ‘product’ in a homogeneous market is a tricky business. Consistent branding helps, says Chris Pullen In 1988, Rowe & Maw took the step of commissioning photo-collage artist, Noel Myles, to produce massive collages to illustrate the firm’s new corporate brochure. Lloyd Northover Citigate was employed to produce the brochure itself and establish design […]

Employment not union

Further to your article entitled “Employment partner joins 15 Old Square” in The Lawyer 8 November 1994 I feel that your description of my Chambers as “a leading union applicant set” is slightly misleading. While we are proud of our union and applicant work, I think it would be more accurate to describe us as […]

A change in situation

I am writing to express my concerns about my inclusion in the article ‘Eversheds suffers marketing departures’ on the front page of The Lawyer 15 November and the inaccuracy of the reporting. The only reason for my leaving Evershed Wells & Hind was a change in my family circumstances precipitating a move to Bristol. At […]