
How to make friends and influence people

Here are a few tips for lawyers to use in their dealings with the media, tips which have had some measure of success. Always act for controversial clients, preferably ones who have already alienated at least four firms and who come with a ready-made media following. Wear a succession of garish ties to denote that […]

Fisher finds new waters at Gordons

‘MAGIC Circle’ firm Gordon Dadds has signed up matrimonial lawyer Jeremy Fisher as a partner. Fisher moved to the 13-partner firm last month from Bedford Row practice Harris Rosenblatt & Kramer and before that he was a partner at Penningtons. “Gordon Dadds is the pre-eminent divorce firm in London. It was an offer I couldn’t […]

Sponsorship at a price?

‘Sponsored editorial’ is blurring the boundaries between journalism and advertorial. Simon Rogers asks, does it matter? That article on international construction work by a well-known City practice, how is it paid for? Readers might guess that the law firm had provided it free of charge to the magazine at the editor’s request from a recognised […]

Rescue rules offer 'breathing space'

A NEW statutory code of conduct for solicitors is being considered by the Republic of Ireland’s Incorporated Law Society after a “disturbing” level of complaints by the public. The society, which regulates the conduct of Ireland’s 4,000 solicitors, says it is “acutely aware of the need for resolute action to reduce the volume of complaints”. […]

Nabarros sponsors urban conference

Nabarro Nathanson is one of the principal sponsors of the Urban Policy final conference to be held in Swansea on 10 December. The conference, staged by the Labour Party’s Urban Policy Inquiry City 2020, will include speeches from Nabarros’ partner Carl Hopkins and Labour’s deputy leader John Prescott.

Solicitors 'tops' for floats advice

COMPANY clients seeking flotations say lawyers are ahead of accountants and merchant bankers in terms of service and value for money, according to survey findings from national firm Eversheds. Despite general concern over costs, the value for money of advisers was generally seen in a positive light. The survey reports that 81 per cent of […]

Widening fees gulf divides firms

THE RICH are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer among law firms, latest figures reveal. But Law Society analysts rule out pessimistic predictions which claim that large numbers of firms will soon go under. Instead, forecasts suggest that the profession will continue to grow, although profits will be cut back and some firms […]

Figures show ethnic minorities lose out

Law Society figures show that ethnic minority law students have a much lower chance of getting articles than white students. Barrister Sailesh Mehta, chair of the Society of Asian Lawyers, says: “Something like 12 to 15 per cent of law students come from an ethnic background and only 7 per cent are successful in getting […]

Not so starry-eyed over firms' figures

Looking at the Law Society’s feast of figures in the annual statistical report is an exercise akin to star gazing. We are seeing things as they were some time ago – some considerable time ago when considering the fee earnings of firms. Totted up from indemnity fund returns, the latest 1992-3 figures relate to firms’ […]

Specialist service

Management adviser Grant Thornton has formed a specialist service for local government and health service legal departments which are currently facing competition from the private sector. The service has been established as part of the merger between Grant Thornton’s Leeds, Manchester and London management consultancy divisions.


Like most law firms Davies Arnold Coo-per already had a brochure detailing its wide variety of services. But the firm was frustrated by the fact that the brochure was not easily distinguishable from those of its competitors. In August 1990, DAC approached Design House to produce a new brochure which reflected DAC’s open corporate style. […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 29/11/94

Defence to polluting controlled waters National Rivers Authority v Yorkshire Water Services (1994) (HL 17/11/94) (Lord MacKay LC: Lord Keith, Lord Jauncey, Lord Lloyd, Lord Nolan) Summary: Statutory defence to involuntary pollution of controlled waters where unknown third party had introduced pollutant to defendant’s sewage system. Appeal by Yorkshire Water Services against upholding of conviction […]