
Doughty Street recruits four

Geoffrey Robertson QC’s Doughty Street chambers is boosting its criminal practice by taking on four additional barristers. David Farrington and David Bentley join the chambers from Andrew Mitchell’s chambers at 171 Fleet Street. The addition of Paul Bogan from David Barnard’s chambers at 33 Bedford Row and Hugh Barton from Walter Aylen QC’s chambers in […]

Caroline May predicts the end of the foreseeability

EARLIER this year, the House of Lords’ decision in the Cambridge Water case introduced a forseeability test into claims made in nuisance and under the rule in Rylands v Fletcher. In future, courts will have to consider whether, at the date the causative action took place, the damage which subsequently occurred (maybe several years later) […]

Central Asia legal society takes shape

LAWYERS interested in the expanding markets of the former Soviet Union have taken a further step in setting up a new association. The Central Asia and Trans-caucasia Law Association is the latest in a chain of legal associations now covering Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The group covers Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and […]

Joint call for West Bank links

THE LAW Society and the Bar Council should establish both formal and informal links with the legal profession in the West Bank, Jericho and the Gaza Strip, a new report says. Prepared by human rights lawyers, barrister Bill Bowring and solicitor Geoffrey Bindman, the report documents the pair’s visit to the area in July. They […]

Belfast students in discrimination case

THIRTY-FIVE final year students from Queen’s University in Belfast have started an action in the Irish High Court in Dublin against the Incorporated Law Society, the Irish State and the attorney general. They allege discrimination. The students claim they cannot become solicitors in the Irish Republic unless they sit an examination which law students with […]

In brief: Morgan gets ITV lawyer 'Oscar'

Leon Morgan, senior partner at London-based Davenport Lyons, has been named “Lawyer of the Year” by judges at this year’s Independent Television Association annual legal and business affairs party. Morgan was presented with the award – an ITV “Oscar” – last Wednesday night.

Shake-up planned for industrial tribunals

PLANS to streamline and speed up the UK’s industrial tribunal system are likely to receive a cautious welcome by employment lawyers. In a Green Paper unveiled last week, the Government is proposing to clamp down on “hopeless cases”, increase the role of legally-trained chairmen, and ensure that as many disputes as possible are settled voluntarily. […]

Law Soc members vote to halve president’s salary offer

LAW Society President Charles Elly will receive u45,750 remuneration as the first senior office-holder to be compensated for his contribution to the society. Elly originally stood to receive u90,000 – the salary of a High Court judge – to cover fees lost by his practice during his time as president. However, the figure was slashed […]

Scots 'YTS' scheme blasted

A NEW scheme designed to secure training contracts for Scottish law graduates has been condemned by lawyers south of the border. Solicitors in England and Wales say the system, which involves graduates of Scotland’s Diploma in Legal Practice working for a Government training allowance plus u10 per week for the first year of articles, is […]

TV trial gives clear picture of the future

Fascinating though many viewers, both legal and lay, are finding the BBC’s ‘The Trial’, has it brought us any further down the road in the argument about whether TV cameras should be allowed in court? Besides the interest that derived from viewers actually looking into courtrooms for the first time and seeing things “in reality”, […]

In brief: Black moves to Walker Morris

Leeds-based commercial law practice Walker Morris has appointed Caroline Black as marketing executive. Previously at one of Scotland’s leading law firm’s, Biggart, Baillie & Gifford, Black will be responsible for developing the firm’s marketing strategy.

Polish threat to foreign offices

THE LAW Society is fighting moves by the Polish parliament to introduce legislation requiring foreign firms with offices in the country to either shut down or transfer their capital to Polish lawyers. If it is enacted the draft law would affect leading firms such as Theodore Goddard and Clifford Chance which have offices in Warsaw. […]