

Tele-Cine Cell Group was advised by Howard Kennedy on a placing and the application for a full listing on the London Stock Exchange which raised u8m. The sponsors Beeson Gregory was advised by Travers Smith Braithwaite.

IT system fulfils Crutes' business wish-list

A powerful new networking system has allowed the northern firm to avoid taking on more specialists, writes John Park IN 1989, the north east firm Crutes recognised that its business aims were only realistically achievable by one of two routes. At that time, the firm employed partners and fee-earners in different offices skilled in each […]

Contempt review granted

n Leave was granted last Tuesday for an application for judicial review of the Attorney General’s decision not to take contempt action over national newspaper reporting of the trial of the Taylor Sisters. Stephens Innocent partner Mark Stephens, acting for the sisters, said the hearing is expected to take place in April.

Judges rule on client accusations

Nick Hilborne WHEN a defence barrister accused of acting improperly by his client seeks leave to withdraw from a criminal trial, the judge is not obliged to investigate the truth of the allegations, the Court of Appeal has held. James Chadwin QC represented William Hunter, on trial for murder at Sheffield Crown Court. Evidence disclosed […]

Litigation Recent Desicions 20/12/94

Appeal against tax costs. Tribunals Rules 1986/590 R.29 – Power to award costs. Commissioners of Customs & Excise v Valerian Raz and Portcullis (Vat Consultancy) Ltd (1994) (Macpherson J) 21/11/94 Summary: Costs are only awarded at common law on an indemnity basis so that if a party has no liability for costs there is no […]

Port awaits judgment

n A House of Lords judgment is now pending in the case in which conservationists are fighting on wildlife protection grounds to block moves to expand the Kent Port of Sheerness. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, in a case with widespread significance, is seeking to outlaw plans to reclaim part of the […]

Mother accused of infanticide

The trial of Daphne Thorne, who is accused of murdering three of her toddler children, is scheduled to start at the Old Bailey on 11 January.

Conference aims to help students understand Bar

Geoffrey Robertson QC’s Doughty Street chambers is boosting its criminal practice by taking on four additional barristers. David Farrington and David Bentley join the chambers from Andrew Mitchell’s chambers at 171 Fleet Street. The addition of Paul Bogan from David Barnard’s chambers at 33 Bedford Row and Hugh Barton from Walter Aylen QC’s chambers in […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 20/12/94

HOWARD LYN DAVIES, admitted 1984, practised as Howard L Davies & Co, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan, struck off and ordered to pay u3,241 costs. Allegations substantiated he wrongly drew and misused client funds for own purposes and failed to keep accounts properly. Tribunal told claims totalling u65,969 made against compensation fund as result of activities of […]


Litigation Writs 20/12/94

A London health authority is being sued for alleged negligence by a woman who underwent an unsuccessful abortion. Denise Fitzsimmons, of Mitcham, Surrey, accuses Wandsworth Health Authority, of London SW17, of negligence following the abortion on 13 June 1990. Writ issued by Godfrey Davis & Baldwin, East Mitcham, Surrey. F813 The former managing director of […]

Ghost in the machine proves hard to handle

Gillian Bull says it is impossible to assign ownership to every type of data How virtual is your reality? Modern electronic trading institutions illustrate one of the problems of ‘going digital’. On the stock exchange, before the Big Bang, the jobber and the broker talked to one another, did the trade, and then each made […]

Barrister writes on Lloyd's Names tax

Barrister David Harris has written a new edition of ‘Tolley’s Taxation of Lloyd’s Underwriters’ to help lawyers cope with the boom in litigation by Lloyd’s Names. Harris, based at Prince Henry’s Chambers in London, has worked with accountants Pannell Kerr Forster to produce the book, which emphasises the practical implications of the legislation for those […]