

The Emerging Markets Country Investment Trust was advised by Herbert Smith in a u20m share placing.


The recently-published ‘Havers’ Companion to the Bar’ claims 74 barristers specialise in computer law. This compares with 266 who specialise in intellectual property law. Because cases are seldom clear cut, many of the IP barristers do computer law cases. But solicitors claim it is hard to find barristers who have a clear understanding of the […]


Lloyd’s corporate member Euclidian was advised by DJ Freeman on its u20m flotation


FKI was advised by Simpson Curtis in the $120m private placing by its subsidiary FKI Industries

Cinema murder trial begins

The trial of David Lauwers, for the specimen murder of one of many businessmen who died in a London sex cinema fire, is scheduled to commence at the Old Bailey on 16 January.

White & Case in recruitment drive

THE LONDON office of US firm White & Case is gearing up to provide a full English law practice across its international financial sectors. UK lawyers of all levels from the big City firms who specialise in litigation, arbitration, international project finance and construction are likely to be in demand in the immediate future. While […]

Death Row appeal rejected

LOVELL White Durrant partner Graham Huntley has lost his appeal to the Privy Council in a test case which may determine the fate of many of Jamaica’s death row prisoners. Huntley has been acting on a pro bono basis for a prisoner who has been on death row for “capital murder” for 11 years. Huntley […]

When the judge shoots back

Roger Pearson examines a case where critical reporting led to a judge explaining his decisions in a national newspaper MEDIA interest in a court case is an occupational hazard for the profession. But it has seldom resulted, as it did in the civil action decided recently at Nottingham Crown Court, in a High Court judge […]

Pensioners fight against care withdrawal

Roger Pearson looks ahead The High Court is set for a major test case early next year which will have wide-ranging implications for hard up local authorities. Two Gloucester pensioners are fighting to show that county councils are not entitled to cut off home care services purely because the councils are short of money. They […]

Is it time to season law with politics?

Some will look askance as another import from North America takes root on our soil. But political lobbying or ‘political advocacy’ as its proponents this side of the Atlantic like to refer to it, may be a new practice development area. City firm Lovell White Durrant has just formally set up its service. Two years […]

Much more to marketing

Delia Venables’ article on client databases (The Lawyer, 29 November) presents a very simplistic view of marketing and marketing systems. There is a lot more to marketing than simply selling more services to existing clients, however important that might be. It is not simply a question of sending out mail shots. Marketing is, amongst other […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Martin Polden

I write with reference to the letter from Miss Castle “Training cap is needed” in your edition of 14 February. The powers of the Law Society under the Solicitors Act relate to qualifications to be obtained by individuals. They are about standards to be achieved, not numbers who achieve those standards. If we were to […]