
Assessing the real value of property

Roger Pearson looks at a case of overvaluation that has leapt from the QBD to the House of Lords A multi-million pound action which will focus on the legal obligation of surveyors to provide accurate valuation advice to clients and their liability if they fail to do so has leapt from the High Court’s Queen’s […]

Come to terms with law's new face

Get used to change, says Tony Holland – young lawyers and other professions have So the vote is over. The shouting has died down, and just over one in five of our profession has installed Martin Mears and Robert Sayer in Chancery Lane to lead us onward and, hopefully, upward. I am younger than Mears […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 01/08/95

– JOHN BARRY SIMON MCKAY, 48, admitted 1975, practising at material time as Simon McKay, Ongar, Essex, fined £1,500. No order made as to costs. Allegations substantiated he wrongly drew and utilised client money and fail


Pinsent Curtis advised FKI on a syndicated £120 million revolving multi-currency and sterling acceptance credit facility led by Barclays Bank. Barclays was advised by Clifford Chance.


Herbert Smith acted for Newspaper Publishing in connection with its refinancing.

Litigator's view

Henry Sherman questions Lord Woolf’s revised role for experts In his initial report published last month Lord Woolf makes clear his allegiance to the present adversarial system. The section of the report which has attracted least attention is that relating to experts which if implemented will give the court a range of powers and responsibilities […]

Dentons tests Internet ads

Helen Sage reports A lawyers’ guide to the Internet is promoting on-line services as a means of advertising. At present there are only a handful of firms which have Internet pages, including Clifford Chance, Denton Hall, Edge & Ellison, Maxwell Batley, Fox Williams and Lawnet. The ‘Guide to the Internet for lawyers’ says the firms […]

Moving onwards and upwards

The hard lesson of the recession that no one can rely on a job for life has created a highly competitive and challenging recruitment market within the legal profession. Headlines in The Lawyer over the last few months give an insight into high-profile moves which have sent shock waves through the profession: ‘Sinclairs shipping team […]

Tailor-made package hits Law Society quality mark

Helen Sage reports EIS Prestige has designed a Volenti quality assurance package that will comply with both the quality recommendations of the Law Society and the Legal Aid Board’s franchise requirements. The system, which is customised by EIS Prestige to meet individual practice procedures, will supply ongoing support and marketing back-up to ensure quality assured […]

Praxis system targets disk pirates after liability scare

Helen Sage reports Control and information systems consultancy Praxis has developed a system to prevent the distribution of pirated software within companies. The initiative comes in response to recent reports in the national press that the company director is liable for any stolen software used in their organisation. The Praxis system, Auditor, is a computer-based […]

Discovering your true worth

Michael Robinson looks at the benefits of a dedicated time recording system In the future, all fee-earning staff will produce on-line draft bills. Although the billing software is still at a prototype stage, the working systems of fee earning staff for both time recording and billing will eventually change with the new technology. Effective and […]

Leeds firm revamps litigation software

Helen Sage reports Five-partner Leeds firm, Nelson & Co is developing the debt recovery work in its commercial litigation department with help from specialist legal software created by Linetime. The software, Debtime, is a County and High Court debt recovery package which helps the firm provide a more efficient service. Head of Nelsons’ commercial litigation […]