
Pub fights likely after appeal

Roger Pearson on a publican’s successful challenge against an unpopular lease Publicans from all over the country may head for the courts to challenge controversial business leases, which they claim have been imposed on them against their will, after an Appeal Court victory for a Norwich publican. Julian Maitland-Walker of Charles Russell, who spearheaded the […]

How would you like to pay?

It is a sign of these cost- conscious times that Barnards Inn Chambers has no fewer than five different fee structures for solicitors to choose from. Why the need for so many? Practice director Andrea Kennedy explains: “We want our clients to know that we are not going to hold them to ransom. Some chambers […]

Police accused of corruption

The trial of two Scotland Yard detectives, Kevin Cressey and John Donald, who are accused of corruption involving dealing in drugs and taking major bribes is scheduled to begin at the Old Bailey on 25 April. At the time of the alleged offences they were working for a south London regional crime squad.

First users try out new Quill system

Fennell Betson reports Essex residential conveyancing practice Darcy White is one of the first to try Quill Computer Systems’ conveyancing case management system. Partner Roger Morse says: “Because of this we have been able to incorporate some of our own ideas into the software.” Quill’s managing director Tony Landes says the new system is currently […]

Free IT reviews

Andover-based IT consultants Chatsfield Technologies is offering free assessments of law firms’ IT requirements. “We are aiming to perform at least 40 free reviews in the first six months of 1995.” The consultancy has just advised on a system for the Institute of Legal Cashiers and Administrators.

Merger forms top German firm

A NEWLY-MERGED law firm has become Germany’s largest legal practice following this month’s linking of RNdler Raupach Bezzenberger and Boden Oppenhoff Rasor Raue. The new tax and corporate firm – Oppenhoff RNdler – now includes more than 90 partners and 130 additional fee-earners. It has offices in Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf and Leipzig, and […]


Law firms handling life and pensions policies must now disclose commissions payable to clients before business is transacted. Previously it was possible to ignore discussion about commission until the deal was completed. The new Law Society rules came into force on 1 January, but do not as yet apply to collective investment products, points out […]

Battle is on for client funds

Michael Kavanagh talks to one of the South West’s top firms about its decision to set up a portfolio management arm South West firm Clarke Willmott & Clarke is joining the growing ranks of provincial law firms offering fully-fledged asset management services to an extensive and affluent client base. The firm, which vies with Exeter-based […]

Notts school gives advice to nurses

The centre for health at Nottingham Law School is running a series of seminars and workshops designed to teach medical staff how to reduce the risk of negligence in the operating theatre. The courses, aimed at theatre nurses and operating department assistants, come as claims for compensation in medical and nursing negligence cases reach a […]

Pannones in north south split

THE LONDON and Manchester offices of Pannone & Partners have split to become separate profit centres. But the 20-partner London office, which operated as Pritchard Englefield & Tobin until the firm’s 1992 merger with Manchester practice Pannone March Pearson, will retain the Pannone name. The split became official at the start of January, with the […]

Lawyers unite on problem Act

THE LAW Society is to meet with the Home Office to discuss its anxieties over “loopholes” in the new Criminal Justice and Public Order Act. The society will join representatives from the Lord Chancellor’s Department (LCD), Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Bar Council, Magistrates’ Association and Justices’ Clerks Society at the Home Office meeting. The concerns […]

Royal appointment for ex-Ferranti head

ROYAL Insurance has appointed former Ferranti lawyer Robert Dunkley to head its in-house team. Dunkley will be based in the company’s Liverpool office from where he will also oversee the Royal’s London lawyers. Former Royal legal head Graham Jones has joined Norwich Union and the insurers have recruited Allen & Overy’s Nick Gibbon on secondment […]