

Vanguard Medica was advised by McKenna & Co on the signing of a license agreement for kidney disease treatment with British Technology Group, advised by its in-house legal team. The firm also advised on the collaboration of Vanguard Medica with Smithkline Beecham, advised by the in-house legal team, on an anti-migraine drug. Vanguard Medica was […]

Consortium condemns electronic tagging trial

As pilot trials of electronic monitoring of offenders are due to start in spring, the Penal Affairs Consortium (PAC) has given the initiative a thumbs down. PAC, which is an alliance of 24 bodies, says the evidence so far shows that electronic tagging does little to divert offenders from crime or from prison. A PAC […]


Owners of Reject Shop

Litigation Writs 17/01/95

Nicholas Kerman, who was sacked from a u62,000 a year job, has issued a High Court writ claiming damages from BS Group, of Stapleton Road, Eastville, Bristol, and SR Restaurant, of New Cavendish Street, London W1. Kerman was appointed chief executive of SR Restaurant on September 4, 1990, and his employment could only be terminated […]

Small and perfectly formed

Guy Fitzmaurice vists Barnards Inn Chambers, an upcoming set which is determined to buck the ‘bigger is better’ trend When people feel threatened, they tend to stick together. Perhaps that is why, faced with such an uncertain future, some sets of barristers’ chambers are choosing to grow and grow, and the first 100-tenant set is […]


Furniture manufacturer Sycamore Holdings was advised by Alsop Wilkinson on the u1.7m convertible loan stock and medium term debt finance provided by venture capitalists Tufton Capital and the Royal Bank of Scotland

Litigation Recent Decisions 17/01/95

Medical council: Privy Council found no fault with decision. Medical practitioners’ appeals against disciplinary sentences Dr Edward Yaw Asirifi v The General Medical Council (1995) (PC 13/12/94) (Lords Keith, Browne-Wilkinson, Slynn) Summary: Privy Council does not interfere with sentences imposed by the disciplinary committee of the General Medical Council where no fault can be found […]

Hurley mugging

Actress Liz Hurley is scheduled to take to the witness box at Southwark Crown Court later this year. She will be called as a witness in the trial of four teenage girls accused of mugging her and stealing u10 and photographs. The alleged incident took place near her Chelsea home on 23 November last year.

Tweedies for Infinity

Lincoln’s Inn Fields seven-partner firm Tweedie & Prideaux has installed the Infinity practice management system from ACE to replace the existing TFB system. The system will have 30 users and cost u100,000.

Waltons' upgrade

Walton Hardy & Clough in Darlington is investing u30,000 in a system upgrade. Some u16,000 was invested in GA Sanderson software, including QNIX client database and accounts.

Guy Harvey questions a ban on prisoner visits to lawyers' offices

“Must try harder” could be seen by many as the mid-term report on beleaguered Home Secretary Michael Howard. However, in the view of this solicitor he has recently tried a little too hard in one respect. Last November the Home Secretary issued the innocuous sounding ‘Instruction to Governors Number 70 of 94’ which said: “Prisoners […]

City firm Beachcroft Stanley's IT development and systems manager, Jon Gould (above), has moved to Cripps Harries Hall in Tunbridge Wells

Fennell Betson reports City firm Beachcroft Stanley’s IT development and systems manager, Jon Gould (above), has moved to Cripps Harries Hall in Tunbridge Wells. “I welcome the opportunity to see a successful firm into the next stage of its IT development. It is an exciting time to join Cripps,” says Gould, who was with Beachcroft […]