
Deas labels Government's CSA changes 'major disappointment'

THE LAWYER who brought the country’s attention to the failings of the Child Support Agency has criticised the Government’s reform package, saying it has not adequately dealt with the issue of clean break settlements. Susan Deas, partner at Liverpool-based Brabner Hol-den, represented clean break father Gary Crozier in a high-profile test case against the CSA. […]

In brief: Free software for IT conference delegates

The first 200 delegates to register for The Lawyer’s seventh annual ‘Information Systems for Lawyers’ conference in London will be given a complementary copy of Microsoft Office. Attendees can see the new software in action at the exhibition alongside the conference. The event takes place at the London Marriott Hotel on 14-15 February. Contact 071-434 […]

In brief: New takes over from Peet at Shoosmiths

GRAHAM New has taken up his post as Shoosmiths and Harrison managing partner. New has taken over the reins from John Peet, who has moved to the commercial property department. A partner since 1974, he is a member of the Law Society’s specialist planning panel and chair of the Hinkely and Rugby Building Society. He […]

In-house IT lawyer adds value at Fladgates

IN-HOUSE computer law specialist Ian Dickson has been recruited to join the Basingstoke office of West End firm Fladgate Fielder. The move gives the firm the benefits of a qualified barrister, Dickson’s expertise in computer and technology transactions, and his former employer Cimage International as a client. Cimage, a US computer company specialising in document […]

Taylor Joynson Garrett hires Middle East expert

UK COMMERCIAL firm Taylor Joynson Garrett has appointed Middle East specialist Sabah Mahmoud as a consultant. Prior to his appointment Mahmoud, an executive committee member of the British Middle East Law Council, was working from an office based at Nabarro Nathanson. His association with the firm continues in Dubai, where he operates an office in […]

Bar Council motion to drop Mills

BAR Council members were due to vote on Saturday on a motion to oust Crown Prosecution Service head Barbara Mills QC from the council. The motion, put by council member Bob Sheddon, says her position as a senior civil servant “has been shown by recent events to be incompatible with her ex-officio membership of this […]

Kent lawyers fight court closures

LAWYERS in Kent have joined forces with trades unions in protest over plans to close up to four county courts in their area. The closures are the latest in a series occurring since last summer and are seen by court staff, users, and lawyers as a further attack on access to justice at a community […]

Law Society finds double flaw in EC directive

The European Commission’s draft directive on rights of establishment for foreign lawyers is “fundamentally flawed” in two respects, the Law Society council was told. Chair of the international committee Fiona Woolf said that there was a groundswell of opposition to the proposals. Germany, Holland, Scotland and Northern Ireland were joining forces with the Law Society […]

Birmingham lawyers step in to advise on final USM flotation

Birmingham firms Wragge & Co and Edge & Ellison have advised on the last flotation on the Unlisted Securities Market (USM). Innovative Technologies Group was formed in 1991 to produce high-performance polymers for the health care, “intelligent dressings” biomaterials market. A total of 4,446,310 shares at 120 pence were placed on the market, raising u4.5 […]

Blair launches group for young lawyers

LABOUR leader Tony Blair is to take time out from his campaign to change the party constitution to launch a new group for young Labour lawyers. The Labour leader will be the star guest at the launch in the House of Commons of the Young Labour Lawyers on 7 February. And the organisers are hoping […]

National Five-a-Side Football Competition

The Lawyer is pleased to announce the 1995 Legal National Five-a-Side football tournament in conjunction with Arsenal Football Club. This is the third year of this highly popular event and last season it attracted entries from over 150 teams keen to play in a good cause. The competition is open to all members of the […]

Firms hit back at cost claims

A LAW firm which handled the privatisation of a government computer agency has hit out at National Audit Office claims of soaring legal costs during the sale. Dibb Lupton Broomhead is smarting at last Thursday’s report on the sale of the IT agency DVOIT which saw legal costs rise to u545,000 from an initial Department […]