
In brief: BBC survey says lawyers do job well

Nearly 60 per cent of people questioned in a BBC survey think lawyers do a good job. More than 70 per cent of those with experience of the legal system describe their experience as good or very good. But 26 per cent say it has been fairly bad or very bad, according to the findings […]

Law Soc rules out training cap

THE LAW Society has ruled against a cap on training places despite the glut of law students without jobs. But the matter will be kept under review due to continuing concern about the mis-match between course places and training contracts. The society’s training committee voted by a narrow majority against a cap which it describes […]


Wm Morrison Supermarkets, advised by Gordons Wright & Wright has bought land for a superstore at Market St Bilston from Hunting Gate Development, advised by its legal department.

Search and Find

Fennell Betson reports The Search & Find software package has been launched by Bury company Document Technology. The Windows-based product enables users to carry out searches based on one or more key words, and it can handle all the documents stored in a PC within a single archive. Search and Find retails at u69 plus […]


Simple precautions guard against computer viruses

One of my clients recently suffered a computer virus outbreak. The problem was quickly contained and the point of introduction found and dealt with, but it was a great cause of concern that it happened at all. The ‘post viral’ inquest revealed some worrying attitudes and general ignorance of computer viruses and security procedures in […]

Cracking the whip

If the Lord Chief Justice needed any confirmation that he is on the right course with his High Court changes, it came with the results of a survey of the 400 biggest UK corporates. The survey, commissioned by City firm Herbert Smith, reveals nearly all respondents said the system had deterred them from pursuing good […]

Bar tenders

The Bar is one of the few areas of the profession to benefit from the upheaval in local government. Tim Miller reports The risk of potential surcharge and financial ruin is part and parcel of life in local government. That’s bad news for councillors and senior officers, but it’s good news for the Bar. Faced […]

Proving liability in PI cases

Roger Pearson on two personal injury cases which highlight the need to prove causation in negligence actions The need to prove causation in addition to negligence in personal injury actions has been brought into focus by two recent medical negligence settlements in the High Court. Both cases involved children with broadly comparable conditions, but the […]


Allied London properties, advised by Paisner & Co, has purchased for u10.5m a long leasehold office building Hagley House, Hagley Road in Birmingham, the vendors being advised by Edge & Ellison.

Clifford Chance posts an Internet first

Clifford Chance has staked its claim to be the first international law firm to launch into cyberspace by setting up an Internet-based information server. The giant firm has established the server on the World Wide Web (WWW). It contains descriptions of the firm and its area of work, specialised articles by lawyers and details of […]

Licence not takeover

Fennell Betson reports We have been asked to point out by Tolley that our item in the 3 January issue of The Lawyer about Ernst & Young acquiring Tolley’s Tax-Link product referred to the accountants licensing the product’s use for tax practitioners and not taking it over.

Stephen Alderson on abolishing the duality of rules between courts

In recent years many legal practitioners have called for the abolition of the anachronistic duality of the rules of the High Court and the county court. Indeed, the tighter rules on transfer between the two systems and the fact that a majority of High Court cases never reach a full High Court judge highlights this […]