

Bletchley Motor Group was advised by McKenna & Co on its merger with Charles Sidney, advised by Dibb Lupton Broomhead, by way of a recommended offer by Charles Sidney for Bletchley.

Microsoft targets firms

Fennell Betson reports Major US software house Microsoft has launched its package for the legal market. Based on its Office suite of applications, it includes access to LawTel, an on-line database of 13,000 case summaries, and to the CompuForms electronic legal forms service. Microsoft business development manager Charles Emes says that law firms are “power […]

The next vox pop

Voice mail can only succeed for an organisation if it achieves the vital aim that it has in common with all other means of communication; it must enhance the operation of the business. The only way to achieve this success is to establish and adhere to a voice mail strategy. This is in two distinct […]

Misrepresenting the share issue

Roger Pearson looks at a case which will examine the assessment of damages in share dealings A multi-million pound shares row which will focus on ways of assessing damages in cases where shares have been purchased on the basis of fraudulent misrepresentations is headed for the House of Lords. Leave has now been given for […]

In favour of local law

I read with interest in last week’s The Lawyer that the CCBE has once more failed to reach a common view on the rights of establishment for lawyers in Europe. I cannot believe that after all the years of junket trips to exotic locations around Europe, they are no further in finding a solution to […]


London Securities, advised by Lawrence Graham, has acquired a portfolio of six properties valued at u17.6m from its major shareholder Nu-Swift, advised by Richards Butler.


Close Brothers was advised by Freshfields in relation to a placing to finance acquisition of a further interest in Winterflood Securities. Financial advisers SG Warburg Securities was advised by Ashurst Morris Crisp.


The Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency, on behalf of the 12 regional electricity companies in England and Wales, was advised by Herbert Smith on the award of 141 electricity power purchase agreements for the England and Wales renewables programme.

Litigation Writs 21/02/95

A son alleged to have influenced his elderly mother into giving him money is being sued in a bid to make him return more than u34,000. Richard Betteridge, administrator of the estate of the late Alice Betteridge, of Black Bourton, Oxfordshire, has launched the High Court claim against Arthur Betteridge, of London N14. Mrs Betteridge […]

Keeping in touch

Masons’ communications systems have evolved to a level of sophistication which most lawyers could not have imagined a few years ago. The driving force behind these changes has been the firm’s determination to exploit all appropriate forms of technology. Before Masons moved into its present accommodation in mid-1990 the various tools for communicating – post, […]

Seeds grow copyright actions

Roger Pearson finds that ‘seed’ addresses in databases are acceptable evidence of copyright abuse The computer industry is one of the fastest growing areas of business. But the speed with which it has grown has in many ways left it without legal machinery to protect its products and by-products. That fact was brought home by […]

The better letter

If it’s not email, it’s snail mail. Email is a fast and efficient way of communicating and it would be criminally negligent to have a network and not have email. Email cuts down on paper and gets your message across immediately. No need to have a memo typed and sent in the internal post. No […]