
Fraudulent transactions

There are a number of different types of transactions offered by fraudsters. Trading in financial instruments The victim may be offered the opportunity to invest in the trading of standby letters of credit (SLCs), discounted letters of credit (LCs), prime bank guarantees (PBGs) or bank debenture instruments. The deal might be based on ‘rolling over’ […]

Fisher Meredith shows its wares on the buses

Solicitor Eileen Pembridge’s firm, Fisher Meredith, has launched an advert- ising campaign on buses for its twentieth anniversary. “Twenty years of serving the community,” says the advert for the London legal aid firm which is being carried on buses running up and down 11 bus routes. Pembridge, senior partner at the firm and unsuccessful Law […]


Courting clients

AT LEAST one High Court judge has condemned the practice, a Queen’s Counsel has spoken out against it, and now the Legal Services Ombudsman has called for action. But still the Law Society refuses to ban its members from sleeping with clients. Unlike doctors who are governed by strict ethical rules, solicitors in England and […]

In brief: Lambeth lawyer faces investigation

The head of legal services at Lambeth Council appeared before a disciplinary hearing last week. Paul Lally, who has been suspended since March, was brought before an investigating panel of three councillors at the town hall on Thursday. The meeting is private and Lambeth Council has refused to discuss the nature of the charges against […]

CJD. Height without harm – a tall order

In 1984, Alison Lay, a 22-year-old bank typist from Winchester, Hampshire, began staggering for no apparent reason. Her health declined rapidly until she was unable to talk or respond in any way and she died 11 months later. A post-mortem revealed her brain was pitted with tiny, spongy holes unlike those seen in any other […]

Mears cites Barnes over SCB dispute

MARTIN Mears has claimed the support of the Legal Services Ombudsman in his battle to bring the Solicitors Complaints Bureau in-house. The Law Society president’s response to the reform plans for the bureau, sent out for consultation before he took office, is critical of the proposal to make the SCB more independent. And to the […]

Defeated Gulf War syndrome firms win right to judicial review

THREE firms fighting to lead the Gulf War syndrome multi-party action, claim the Territorial Army links of one of their lawyers unfairly barred them from winning the contract. But the consortium, made up of Donn & Co, Leigh Day & Co and Roythorne & Co, has been granted leave to judicially review the Legal Aid […]

Receivers close file on Butler's Whar

Law firms Howard Kennedy and Clifford Chance acted in the final wrapping up of the Butler’s Wharf Estate, which went into receivership in 1990. Howard Kennedy and property agents Cluttons advised Frogmore Estates in its purchase of the remaining freehold and leasehold properties in the London estate from joint administrative receivers Nigel Hamilton and Alan […]

Grimsby's lawyer plans nationwide sports link

A national network for sports lawyers is being proposed by the solicitor for First Division football club Grimsby Town. William King wants to set up an association which would provide a nationwide link between all the lawyers who work in this expanding sector. The body would provide an information and work exchange for its members, […]

Hong Kong/Amnesty. Deafened by the sound of silence

Stephen Grosz is a partner at Bindman & Partners, which acted for Amnesty International “Listen. Can you hear it? It’s the sound of the hillsides and fields of Rwanda, where in their hundreds and thousands the dead lie silent.” This is a quote from the beginning of the advert which the British Section of Amnesty […]

LCD faces shutdown over IT tenders

ESSENTIAL computer systems in the Lord Chancellor’s Department, Courts Service and the County Courts could be switched off by staff this week in protest over a £60 million IT privatisation plan. Tendering by the LCD is already under way, with four large computer service companies shortlisted, including General Motors subsidiary EDS, once owned by US […]

IBA pushes insolvency rules

BUSINESS lawyers are hoping to encourage an international ruling on insolvency proceedings through the introduction of an agreed set of multi-jurisdictional guidelines. The agreement, drawn up by 20 countries across the world, recommends uniformity in rules covering cross-border proceedings. Prepared last month by lawyers of the International Bar Association, it provides a framework for harmonising […]