
Burton's set swaps old offices for modern

John Malpas reports MICHAEL Burton QC’s 2 Crown Office Row set has moved to new offices. But the set, now renamed Littleton Chambers, has not left the confines of the Temple. Instead it has moved into what it says is the first purpose-built set of chambers in the Temple for over 150 years. Practice manager […]

RUC arrest appeal

The Law Lords are to decide soon whether to allow an application for leave for Gerard O’Hara, who was arrested by the RUC in December 1985 under the 1984 Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act to appeal against Northern Ireland High and Appeal Court decisions rejecting his claims for damages for false imprisonment on the […]


Mirror Group’s TV arm Mirror Television, advised by Lewis Silkin, has entered a deal with cable consortium CPP-1 Partners, advised by Wiggin & Co, to form a new national channel Live TV.

Litigation Writs 21/03/95

The niece of a man who died in March 1991 faces High Court action to make her repay over u49,000. David Thorp, personal representative of the late Robert Jones, has issued a writ against Mr Jones’ niece, Joan Jones of Caernarfon, and Elizabeth Ellis of Bethel. Ms Jones became her uncle’s attorney before his death […]

Brennan voted in as chair of PI association

LEADING personal injury barrister Daniel Brennan QC has been elected chair of the newly formed Personal Injuries Bar Association (PIBA). And his first major task will be to influence conditional fee arrangements due to come into force in the near future. At a well-attended meeting at Gray’s Inn earlier this month around 200 barristers gathered […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 21/03/95

JONATHAN PAUL MARSHALL, 33, admitted 1984, partner at material time in Godlove Pearlman, Leeds, struck off and ordered to pay u4,224 costs. Allegations substantiated that he dishonestly misappropriated client money, breached accounting rules by withdrawing client money for purposes not permitted, failed to pay money received on behalf of client into client account and breached […]

Strong US presence at European conferences

AMERICA’S legal heavyweights of the future are among the delegates to a major series of British Council conferences. The European Series, which ends this week in Berlin, has given international delegates a choice of three main aspects of EU development. The conferences are headed ‘European Union civil servants’, ‘Perspectives on Europe’ and ‘New members’. The […]

Plymouth's free student unit notches up successes

STUDENTS at the University of Plymouth’s Free Representation Unit estimate they have won u320,000 for clients during its first year of operation. The unit, the third university-based FRU established in England, handled 350 cases during the year, winning a top award of u21,000 for an out-of-tribunal settlement in an unfair dismissal and sexual discrimination case. […]

In brief: McGowan moves to Titmuss as partner

Bird & Bird’s head of local government, Graham McGowan, is leaving the firm to become head of public sector at Titmuss Sainer Dechert. His move comes as Titmuss builds up its public sector practice. McGowan, who will join as a partner, says his background and Titmuss’ established practice will build a “formidable team” to deal […]