
In brief: Solicitor seeks Forces pregnancy cases

Norman Lamb, the Norfolk solicitor at the helm of the Armed Forces Pregnancy Dismissal Group, is calling on all lawyers who are handling cases of women who terminated their pregnancies to stay in the armed forces to contact him. Lamb, of Steele & Co, says Treasury solicitors have lodged an appeal against a decision made […]

Middle Temple hit by Barings fall

THE BAR’S Middle Temple Inn of Court has lost assets worth around u100,000 in the wake of the Barings collapse. The loss could make a dent in Middle Temple’s income. Invested assets with all the Inns contribute an income stream, which covers running costs and overheads including scholarships and expensive upkeep of their old properties. […]

Malins wins Independent libel case

SOLICITOR and former MP Humphrey Malins has cleared his name of allegations he acted in conflict of interest when representing a defendant on charges involving a bogus arms-to-Iran deal. Malins, former Croydon North West MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to a Home Office Minister, last week accepted undisclosed “substantial” libel damages and an apology at […]

Opportunity still knocks

BUSINESS conglomerate Hanson is favouring smaller and local law firms in its high-profile £500 million new town project, which is expected to generate millions of pounds in fees for professional advisers. And Norton Rose, advising on environmental issues surrounding the now equally high-profile colony of great crested newts resident on Hanson’s development site, is the […]

Hong Kong partners go separate ways

FIVE of Hong Kong firm Hampton Winter and Glynn’s 11 partners have left or are currently in the process of leaving the practice. The firm, which lost its two shipping partners Nicholas Mallard and Nigel Binnersley to London firm Hill Taylor Dickinson, has lost senior commercial partner Tim Gallie. Also leaving the firm is partner […]

Ombudsman dresses down LAB

DEFECTIVE communication, mishandled correspondence and a complacent attitude to complaints are all highlighted in an ombudsman’s report on the Legal Aid Board. The Parliamentary Ombudsman William Reid has given the LAB a severe telling-off in his annual report. Last year 53 complaints about the LAB were referred to him by MPs, just one less than […]

Study in Hong Kong

* The Hong Kong government is offering places to Chinese lawyers to study common law in Hong Kong. The courses will last one year and will be offered at one of Hong Kong’s tertiary institutions. They will include a work placement in a government department.

City should pick up bill in frauds, says group

LEGAL aid in corporate fraud trials should be paid for by the City’s own regulators not the taxpayer, according to the Legal Action Group. The suggestion comes in the pressure group’s response to the Lord Chancellor’s consultation paper on legal aid for the apparently wealthy. The group says media uproar over spiralling legal aid bills […]

US firms separate

* Two US firms which merged four years ago have split up. Lewis D’Amato Brisbois & Bisgaard merged with Buxbaum & Choy to form Lewis D’Amato Brisbois Bisgaard & Choy. The firm’s Asian offices will now be run by Arnberger, Kim, Buxbaum & Choy while Lewis D’Amato Brisbois & Bisgaard will continue to operate its […]

ABA pro bono event debates US funds cuts

THE FUTURE of federal funding for legal services in the US is at the top of the agenda for US pro bono lawyers as congressional leaders meet to discuss trimming costs. The 11th American Bar Association conference in Nash-ville next month will focus on how to respond to the likelihood of cuts in federal legal […]

In brief: Correction

Roderick Dadak, who represented Paul Butner in his successful libel case against Harpers & Queen (The Lawyer, 21 March), has asked for it to be pointed out that he is a solicitor and not counsel, as he was described in the story.

Jobs freeze starts to thaw as market moves up a gear

THE IN-HOUSE job market is picking up, according to a new business salary survey. Legal recruitment firm Michael Page Legal says it has noticed signs of a distinct improvement in the job market for in-house lawyers who can generally expect to earn more than they would in private practice. The average starting salary for a […]