
Litigation Writs 28/03/95

Portsmouth company Eco Euro is being sued by the Commissioners of Customs & Excise following the seizure of more than 11 million cigarettes. The writ says the cigarettes were seized because of false documents which named a consignee who did not exist and stated that the destination for the cigarettes was Morocco. Customs & Excise […]


White Rose (Leeds), a joint venture company of Evans of Leeds and Yorkshire Water, was advised by Travers Smith Braithwaite, in concluding a development agreement with Land Securities, advised by Nabarro Nathanson, for a 650,000 sq ft centre including a department store, superstore, shopping malls and a bus station outside Leeds, costing u115m. The department […]


Litigators View

Law firms are chasing substantial business as the demand for project finance increases reports Mary Heaney While law firms have seen no great increase in the amount of asset financing transactions, domestic and international project finance work has escalated. “There’s huge developments, particularly in electricity in Asia and high speed train networks in Europe,” according […]

Partner joins board of EDS

Roger Alexander A multi-national IT company has hired a senior lawyer to help it with its strategic decision making. Lewis Silkin lead partner Roger Alexander has been appointed to the board of the financial services division of EDS. The non-executive post will allow the marketing services specialist to continue his private practice work at the […]

System is 'incorruptible' say judges

SENIOR judges have defended the current process of judicial appointment as the fairest and most effective system for sustaining an “incorruptible, impartial and expert” judiciary. And most other alternative processes proposed so far would “inevitably” lead to the politicisation of the judiciary, the judges warn in a submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee. The […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 28/03/95

Chemical patent infringement claim. ICI: valid patent had not been infringed. Imperial Chemical Industries v Montedison (UK) & Anor (1995). (CA (Stuart-Smith LJ, Morritt LJ, Sir John May) 7/3/95) Summary: Claim for infringement and counterclaim for invalidity of plaintiff’s patent. Plaintiff’s appeal from dismissal of its claim for infringement of Patent No.1,493,393. In the action […]

Action over charity cash

* The Charity Commissioners are heading for the High Court in a rare action against a woman and her son who are said to have taken u127,000 cash from a charity they ran and that they then spent on gambling, trips abroad, cars and setting up a bar in Turkey. The claim is made against […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 28/03/95

ANITA BOSE, 54, admitted 1983, practised at material times on own account as Lipman Bose & Co, and Lipman Bose & Maharaj both of London NW11, struck off and ordered to pay u3,665 costs. Allegations substantiated she wrongly drew and used money from client account, failed to honour professional undertakings and failed to keep accounts […]

QBD jury list

* The following cases are pending in the High Court Queen’s Bench Division jury list: Kearns and Ors v Williams (3 April); Giwa-Osagie v Hall and Ors (not before 3 April).

Top Birmingham sets in manager showdown

John Malpas reports TWO leading Birmingham sets have lost their senior managers – one after a contractual dispute, the other following reports of a vote of no confidence among barristers. Former 3 Fountain Court senior clerk Malcolm Elder is instructing solicitors following his abrupt departure last month from the set he joined in 1987. His […]

Official groups cannot 'sell out'

I write following an article which appeared in The Lawyer 7 March under the heading ‘SPG ‘sold out’ to Law Society says member’. While I make no claim to any personal knowledge as to what Mr Dubow said to your reporter, it is fair for me to say the article is at best misleading. It […]