
RC mission writ for Wansbroughs

TRUSTEES of the Roman Catholic Mission to Italian Emigrants in Great Britain are taking solicitor Christopher Blythe and his firm Wansbroughs Willey Hargrave to the High Court claiming damages for negligence. Writs have just been issued by London firm Witham Weld on behalf of the mission against Blythe and Wansbroughs accusing them of negligence and […]

APIL delight over awards index link

PERSONAL injury lawyers are delighted at the Government’s decision to follow Law Commission advice on making damages awards inflation-proof and encouraging structured settlements. The Lord Chancellor says he will introduce legislation implementing all the recommendations in the commission’s paper on structured settlements and interim and provisional damages “when a suitable opportunity arises”. The paper, issued […]

In total control

NICHE insurance and construction litigation firm Merricks has profited from Lewis Silkin’s continued restructuring by taking two insurance partners to launch a new London office. The two partners, Dennis Wilkins and Jonathan Suckling, joined existing Merricks partners Tim Hunt and Robert Muskath in opening the London office last month. Merricks, which has rapidly expanded since […]

In brief: Shoosmiths builds new office block

Work has begun on Shoosmiths & Harrison’s new offices at the Lakes Office Park on the outskirts of Northampton. The £7 million development will take 12 months to complete. Local managing partner Michael Orton-Jones says: “By the summer of 1996 we will have all our commercial departments under one roof which will be a major […]

Andrew makes exit from Dibbs

DIBB Lupton Broomhead’s head of employment law in London, Jill Andrew, has resigned after only one year with the firm. At least one of her three assistants is thought to be following in her wake. Andrew is restrained from speaking about her departure by an agreement with the firm. Baker & McKenzie employment partner Fraser […]

In brief: Hogg to speak at Middle East dinner

Foreign Office Minister Douglas Hogg MP QC is the guest speaker at the British Middle East Law Council’s first annual dinner this week. The event, on Tuesday evening at London’s Gloucester Hotel, is open to firms and individuals interested in the Middle East. During the year the council has sponsored a conference in Beirut on […]

Romanian trip

* Ten Romanian law students have just spent three weeks in London on a legal education trip funded by the Know-How fund. The students, who spent a week’s work experience in London law firms and chambers on an exchange organised by the European Law Students Association, were guests of the London Young Solicitors Group and […]

New Zealand laws

* New Zealand has liberalised its laws to make it easier for Australian lawyers to practice in New Zealand. The New Zealand government recently announced that Australian legal qualifications will be recognised provided that Australian lawyers have five years’ work experience in Australia following admission as legal practitioners.

Prosecutors get advocacy training programme

DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions Barbara Mills has launched a training scheme for Crown Prosecutors, aimed at establishing a national standard of advocacy throughout the CPS. All new prosecutors joining the CPS from 1 April will undertake a formal programme of training, covering areas such as professional ethics, courtroom etiquette and presentation skills. Speaking at the […]

Lawyers' fury over Brussels 'tax'

BRITISH law firms are protesting over proposals from the Brussels Bar to charge up to u400 per lawyer per office for registration on a list of foreign lawyers. “We have made it clear that we want it substantially reduced,” says Law Society head of international Hamish Adamson. The list is being drawn up by the […]

Custom-built vehicles

Ship Ahoy! Kathleen Herbert is one of four art students from the University of the West of England sponsored by Bristol law firm Lawrence Tucketts to record the ‘International Festival of the Sea’, held recently at the city’s old harbour. Tucketts awarded commissions worth £3,000 for the students to “paint from life” and record the […]

Adoption directory clarifies the issues

A NEWLY-PUBLISHED directory is aiming to provide legal and agency contacts in international adoption. ‘The International Adoption Guide’, published last week, was compiled by child psychologist Patrick O’Connor who hopes it will be useful for lawyers as well as the public. O’Connor holds a law degree, but spent most of his career as a security […]