
City firm clarifies sick pay scheme

NABARRO Nathanson has sent a memo to staff to clarify details of its new discretionary sick pay scheme to be introduced on 1 May. The memo follows, and makes reference to, a story in The Lawyer last week revealing staff concerns that salaries of some secretaries suffering from upper limb disorder would be terminated. Discretionary […]

In brief: Midlands focus correction

We wish to point out that the town and county planning group based at 5 Fountain Court, Birmingham, is headed by QCs Harry Wolton and Martin Kingston, and not QCs Jeremy Cahill and Roger Giles as stated in our Midland focus feature ‘Set to take on London’ published in The Lawyer 4 April.

Merger links systems

* Following Morgan Bruce’s merger with Binks Stern, the combined firm is upgrading its IT and has opted for an Amicus practice management system from Admiral Legal Systems. The initial user base will increase from 245 users to over 300 by the end of 1995, spread across the firm’s offices in Cardiff, London and Swansea.


Sun Alliance Trust Company, as trustees for Laser V Hamilton Trust, sponsored by Johnson Fry Securities, was advised by Macfarlanes and in Scotland by Semple Fraser, on the u12.3m purchase of a 70,000 sq ft office scheme in Hamilton.


CCI Holdings was advised by Battens of Yeovil as advisers to the issue of shares to be dealt on the rule 4.2 market.

The Lawyer Inquiry: Jeremy Dening

Jeremy Dening is a property partner at London law firm Edward Lewis. Born in Margate in 1962, he now lives in Greenwich, London. What was your first job? Paper boy. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? u3,200 pa. What would you have done if you hadn’t become a lawyer? Been a stuntman […]


Sita (GB), advised by Taylor Joynson Garrett, has completed a joint venture company with North London Waste Authority, advised by Rowe & Maw, to run the Edmonton incineration plant.


Shorco Group was advised by Lupton Fawcett in a 1-for-3 rights issue to raise u1.4m


* Hungarian mineral water company KekkAt svOnyviz Rt and its shareholders were advised by Gouldens in connection with the placing and introduction of its shares on to the Hungarian over-the-counter-market. Smith New Court

Treading a thin political line

Roger Pearson looks at the Lords’ decision to overrule Michael Howard’s CIC scheme; Roger Pearson Apart from resulting in a crushing defeat in the courts for Home Secretary Michael Howard, the House of Lords ruling on 6 April, outlawing moves to introduce criminal injury compensation tariffs, is believed to have rated as a ‘first’ in […]

Real courtroom dramas

A THREE year £3 million advertising campaign to improve the image of solicitors is being considered by the Law Society. Chancery Lane officials have met with PR guru Sir Tim Bell to seek his advice on the way forward. The Lawyer asked a selection of advertising, public relations and media friendly lawyers what they thought. […]