

Olswang acted for Ionica L3 in a co-operation and funding arrangement with ScottishPower Telecommunications. Freshfields represented ScottishPower. The deal included an equity holding

The long road to Euro free trade

Last month there was a plenary meeting in Dresden of representatives from all the Bars and law societies of the European Economic Area – the member states of the EU, plus Norway and Iceland. The organisation bringing the legal professions of these countries together – the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European […]

Tackling cross-border fraud

There has been much discussion in the press about the increasingly international nature of serious fraud cases. Frauds which cross national boundaries can present serious problems for prosecuting authorities. The only effective response the international community has in tackling this rapidly escalating problem is to increase co-operation between states. Thankfully, our own Government has responded […]

Bar tackles property division

THE PROPERTY rights problems faced by unmarried cohabitants on the break-up of relationships have been highlighted by the Chancery Bar Association. At a workshop in Lincoln’s Inn, members of the association attacked the current law relating to homesharing. The session was organised by the group as its contribution to a review of the law being […]

When a planning inspector calls…

To many, the idea of reforming inquiry procedure might provoke the old adage: “Reform? Things are bad enough as they are.” Are planning inquiries so slow and cumbersome that the only answer is to sweep aside the present system? Or could a sensible measure of reform improve matters? The planning and environmental law sub-committee of […]

In brief: Townsends clinches Italian work

Swindon law firm Townsends has been instructed by two Italian construction companies in a multi-million pound dispute with Italian-owned, UK-based sub contractor Lucchini. Townsends will represent Milanese companies Girola SPA and Impressa Castelli SPA in the case which concerns earth and asphalt works in the construction of the M74 motorway in Scotland.

Bar's blueprint for successful practise

John Malpas reports COMPREHENSIVE practice management standards and guidelines for chambers are to be unveiled by the Bar Council this week. The guidelines, contained in a user-friendly loose-leaf manual, are designed to give chambers a blueprint for a successfully run practice. Together with the Equality Code for the Bar and the planned new clearing house […]

Court Funding. Is the Government courting disaster?

All is not well in Her Majesty’s magistrates courts. According to a survey by the The Lawyer – the first of its kind – many are strapped for cash and face spiralling spending cuts which may soon damage their judicial service. Overwhelmingly, they have no confidence in the Government on funding matters. The Lawyer surveyed […]

Litigation Writs 05/12/95

The VAT man is suing two banks for £1.1 million following the theft of a cheque made out to the London Borough of Haringey. They accuse the National Westminster Bank and the Austria-based Bank Fur Arbeit Und Wirtschaft AG, of wrongly cashing the cheque, originally made out to the London Borough of Haringey but altered […]

Broadcasting decision set for challenge

The planned 1997 launch of the UK’s new fifth TV channel faces a hold-up following a High Court ruling which has paved the way for a legal challenge to the way in which the Independent Television Commission’s (ITC) awarded the operating licence. Richard Branson’s Virgin claims the commission’s decision on the bidding was flawed and […]

Malaysian Bar plea

MALAYSIAN law students have called on the Bar Council of England and Wales to rethink its plans to defer call to the Bar until after the completion of an initial six-month pupillage. The move, part of the planned overhaul of Bar training, will end the current situation which allows students to be called after passing […]

Return to Bar for firm's employment specialist

DIBB Lupton Broomhead employment barrister Anthony Korn has quit the firm to go back to the Bar. Korn, who leaves at the end of January, joins two-year-old Holborn set Barnards Inn Chambers. He will retain his role as course director of Dibbs’ employment law training arm but will work independently. “I feel that having worked […]