
Ex-Law Soc president urges caution on Hayes' successor

A TWO-year presidency stripped of its ceremonial role is the best way forward for the Law Society, according to former president Rodger Pannone. Pannone has greeted the announcement of secretary general John Hayes’ resignation by urging the society not to rush into the appointment of a successor until it has hammered out a reform package. […]

LAB backs Chancellor's legal aid reforms

THE LEGAL Aid Board has come out firmly in favour of the Lord Chancellor’s legal aid reform plans in its response to the Green Paper. The board’s response, unveiled last week, outlines how cash limited block contracts for legal aid can be put into place. As expected, the board has not supported pre-determining the criminal […]

Firm serves former clerk with fraud writ

LONDON law firm Wedlake Saint is suing its former managing clerk Andrew Fuller for damages for alleged “fraudulent acts”. The firm claims that clients’ money was misappropriated. The firm is seeking damages in a writ issued at London’s High Court against Fuller, of Tunbridge Wells. Wedlake Saint is also seeking a High Court declaration that […]

In brief: New offices for Dibbs in Manchester

The Manchester office of Dibb Lupton Broomhead has signed the lease on a 32,000sq ft office in the city’s new Great Bridgewater development. The complex, which will also house Addleshaw Sons & Latham, Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young, is 85 per cent let one year before construction is scheduled to be completed. Regional managing […]

In brief: First UK representative of Euro law group

North Devon firm Slee Blackwell has been elected as a full member of European law network Unilegal. The firm is the sole UK representative in the grouping which includes practices in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, the Republic of Ireland and Spain. “Increasing European integration brings with it the need for legal firms to establish […]

In brief: Experts elude solicitors, reveals survey

Fifty per cent of solicitors who instruct expert witnesses have difficulty locating the right person, according to the results of a Law Society survey. The survey, which marks the launch of the society’s Directory of Expert Witnesses, contacted 300 solicitors to find out more about the use of expert witnesses. According to its findings, 90 […]

A clean Bill of hi-tech health

Linda Tsang reports The Computer Misuse Act is leading the battle against bugs, says Linda Tsang “Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast…unfortunately, some of your data won’t.” This was how virus writer Christopher Pile used to sign off on screen. Pile has made history as the first virus writer to be sent […]

In brief: Law Soc roadshow set to woo the Welsh

The Law Society is holding its first bilingual roadshow this week in the North Wales town of Llandudno. President of the Gwynedd Law Society Iolo Thomas and regional secretary of the Law Society in Wales Ann Garrard will address delegates in Welsh, while other speakers including Law Society deputy vice-president Tony Girling, council member John […]

In brief: Firm warns of student housing pitfalls

University housing officers have been told to review their student accommodation policies following an increase in the number of “house in multiple occupation” classifications being issued by local authorities. The Birmingham office of Martineau Johnson has warned that the classification – generally defined as a property occupied by people who do not form a single […]

Litigation Personal Injury 05/12/95

Clark v Newham Health Authority – QBD 20 November 1995 Claimant: Caroline Clark Accident: Medical negligence at birth Injuries: Cerebral palsy resulting from blunder at birth Award: £895,000 (agreed damages) Judge: Mr Justice Waterhouse Plaintiff’s solicitors: Kingsley Napley, London Defendant’s solicitors: Wiseman Lee Douse v Smith – QBD 16 November 1995 Claimant: Michael Douse, 2Accident: […]

Fixer makes way for family man

THE PRIME MINISTER announced the appointment of a new parliamentary secretary to the Lord Chancellor’s Department on the eve of the controversial Family Law Bill’s second reading. Jonathan Evans, MP for Brecon and Radnor, is stepping into his role at a stormy time for the department. Listing “family law” as one of his political interests, […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 05/12/95

Donald Edwin Strong, 57, admitted 1960, sole practitioner at Tadworth, Surrey, at material times, struck off and ordered to pay £1,217 costs. Allegations substantiated he dishonestly or improperly utilised client money for his own benefit, failed to maintain his accounts correctly and was guilty of unreasonable delay in completion of conveyancing formalities. Tribunal told investigation […]