
The Lawyer Inquiry: Shaun Lowde

What was your first job? Peripatetic news dissemination executive (paper-boy). What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? They asked me to pay them – shortly before I left. What would you have done if you hadn’t become a lawyer? Probably joined one of those obscure Californian cults which require you to give up […]

Henriques to take top northern post

John Malpas reports RICHARD Henriques QC has been appointed leader of the northern circuit. Henriques, of Dean Court Chambers in Manchester’s Crown Square, takes over from Rodney Klevan QC, of nearby 18 St John Street. Klevan recently launched an unsuccessful bid to win the Bar Council vice-chairmanship. Henriques was selected after a ballot of the […]


Gouldens advised Artesian Estates on the acquisition of ground rent companies owned by, among others, John Ritblat, MD of the British Land Company. The ground rent companies own over 23,000 residential properties. The initial consideration of £2,061,000 was satisfied by the issue of 2,397,000 new ordinary shares.

Hard-up justice

The Lawyer’s investigation into the state of the magistrates courts makes worrying reading. For the first time, justices’ chief executives (JCEs) have voiced their concerns. Most said they were under financial pressure, more than a quarter have made redundancies while two thirds said they had no confidence in the Government’s intentions to adequately fund the […]

DSS has no say in cash

Can I correct a point in Roger Pearson’s article (28 November) on the Fairey case? CPAG acts for Rebecca Halliday. The article says the ruling entitles Rebecca (who is profoundly deaf) to payment for an interpreter, including for social purposes. That is not accurate. Disability living allowance (DLA) is paid to severely disabled people with […]

Watch out for non-original documents.

Both the banking community and sellers in international trade transactions will be concerned at the impact of the Court of Appeal decision given on 8 November 1995 in Glencore International AG and Bayerische Vereinsbank AG v Bank of China. Glencore, as sellers of two batches of aluminium ingots, presented documents under two letters of credit […]

Tackling home title

Momentously, the CCBE has agreed a position on the European Commission’s draft directive on rights of establishment. However, Jonathan Goldsmith, director of international legal practice at the Law Society urges caution. In an article on page 5 he says: “Nobody should get too excited as it is by no means the end of the establishment […]

Scots centre tackles crime

A SCOTTISH business crime centre is to be set up by the Scottish Office in partnership with business and the police. Announced by Scottish Office Minister Lord James Douglas-Hamilton last week as part of his business crime reduction strategy, it would cost around £100,000 a year and be funded in part by the Government. Lord […]

Court Funding. Strategic Planning

Through the provisions of the Police and Magistrates Courts Act 1994, Parliament made Magistrates Courts Committees (MCCs) responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the magistrates courts in each of the 105 areas of England and Wales. And to that end, it required MCCs to think and plan strategically. However, the current funding method […]

Palace book ban

The publishers of recently closed newspaper Today, News (UK) and its former editor Richard Stott are set to go to court on 8 December over the publication of material from a book written by former royal housekeeper Joyce Ann Berry (known as Wendy Berry). The book was published in the US and is said to […]


Wragge & Co advised Wilson Connolly Properties on a £10.3 million funding deal with Barclays Bank staff pension funds

LCD staff go out on strike

STAFF from the Lord Chancellor’s Department are on strike over Government plans to “privatise” the computing and administration functions of the County and Crown Courts. Starting in London at the Court Service head office, stoppages are expected to spread nationally through all staff in the courts, including the Royal Courts of Justice. The National Union […]