
Firms jostle for nuclear work

CITY firms will soon know when they can tender for work on the nuclear generating industry sell-off following the Government’s announcement to go ahead. A host of City names are already involved in the industry, and may continue to advise their clients during privatisation. Advisers to the Government are yet to be appointed, however. “Everything […]

Pensions guidance ultra vires

The Securities and Investments Board (SIB) guidance intended to make the pensions industry proactive in compensating victims of missold pensions is ultra vires, it has been ruled. The ruling says part of the guidance is wholly irrational and must be amended. However, the guidance is not ultra vires in relation to SIB’s powers, and so […]

In brief: EOC wants reactions to pay code

The Equal Opportunities Commission has called on lawyers to respond to its newly-released Draft Code of Practice on Pay which it hopes to lay before Parliament next year. The code is the first to be drawn up in any member state in the European Union and is described as a “significant step” toward closing the […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 16/05/95

– RICHARD WILLIAM MORAND, 44, admitted 1979, practised as Richard Morand, Peterborough, suspended indefinitely and ordered to pay £3,709 costs. Allegations substantiated he wrongly used client money for benefit of other clien

Civil courts set for 'pay as you go'

PLANS for a controversial new structure of daily fees for civil court users are expected to be published later this year, according to Court Service agency chief executive Michael Huebner. Speaking at the County Court Users Association (CCUA) annual conference held in Birmingham last week, Huebner said that the agency aimed to introduce “a new […]

Practice manager plans expansion

John Malpas ONE King’s Bench Walk is gearing up to move out of the Temple under the direction of a new practice manager. James Hunt QC’s set will move into modern and more spacious offices in Bedford Row once the terms of the lease have been finalised. The move will be the first major task […]

Partner urges Wirral council to settle asbestos damages claims

THE SOLICITOR co-ordinating a multi-million pound claim for damages from asbestos fall-out has urged the council defending the case to settle out of court. Graham Ross, senior partner with the Liverpool-based Ross Park Partnership, says the deal would save Wirral Borough Council ratepayers’ money. The action by approximately 400 residents relates to fall-out which followed […]

In brief: SPG set to nominate chair candidates

The Law Society’s Sole Practitioners’ Group is holding its annual meeting next week. At a separate meeting afterwards candidates for the group’s chair will be nominated. The AGM will be held on 23 May at the Law Society.

In brief: Conditional fees explained at seminar

Central Law Training is holding a seminar – ‘Conditional fees: costs in personal injury cases’ – in London later this month. The seminar, to be held on 31 May, will include an address from Tony Girling, recently named as the Law Society’s choice for deputy vice president in its forthcoming elections. Girling, who sits as […]

Rights to import duty free goods

The tobacco industry, the licensed trade and the Customs and Excise will be watching closely for the Divisional Court judgment, scheduled for 26 May, in a test case on duty free personal imports. Mr Justice Popplewell is being asked to outlaw moves by the Customs and Excise aimed at preventing large scale importation of cheap […]

Irish lawyers rise up against government 'informers' charter'

SOLICITORS in the Irish Republic are in open revolt over new government legislation which they say is attempting to make them spy on their clients for the tax man. Under the measure, proposed in the Finance Bill, solicitors, accountants and auditors must inform the Revenue Commissioners about any suspected tax evasion by their clients. The […]