
Brick Court to produce EU database

John Malpas BRICK Court Chambers has joined forces with a new publishing company to produce an EU law database. The tenants working from the Brussels branch of the set, which specialises in European Union law, is providing the legal commentary to the data- base of cases due to be heard by the European Court of […]

Uproar may deter sex complaints, says Hewson

EXAGGERATED reports that pupillages are regularly offered in return for sex may deter women from becoming barristers, warns the barrister whose harassment claims sparked off a media furore. Barbara Hewson, chair of the Association of Women Barristers, has joined forces with Bar Council chair Peter Goldsmith to play down the extent to which traineeships are […]


Northern Rock Building Society was advised by Allen & Overy in relation to a £400m multi-currency revolving credit agreement

In brief: Last call for Apil's annual gathering

There is still time for members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers to register for its annual general meeting and spring conference at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London this Wednesday. The keynote address will be by Professor Michael Zander, professor of law at the London School of Economics, who will talk on the […]


Melton Medes fraud case ends

The Melton Medes pensions fraud trial has settled after two weeks in the High Court. The lawyer-intensive trial was expected to last up to 10 weeks, at an expected cost of £2 million. The litigation, which has rumbled on for several years, is thought to have cost around £5 million in legal fees. The case […]

Page clinches boxing case

London firm Andrew Page won £100,000 damages for a client after taking on world featherweight champion Steve Robinson in an action over a boxing contract. The firm, associated with McClure Naismith Anderson & Gardiner in Glasgow, acted for promoters Tommy Gilmour and Barry Hearn who sued Robinson for breach of contract. The boxer had agreed […]


The Pathfinder Developer series of companies

'No solution' to fund crisis

THERE is “no immediate solution in sight” to the current funding crisis for legal education but a call for voluntary contributions from the profession may not go unheeded, lawyers have heard. Speaking at last week’s Law Society legal education conference – ‘Developing the individual and the business’ – training committee chair Roger Jones said although […]

In brief: YSG hears medical negligence talks

Pannone & Partners partner Grainne Barton will speak on medical negligence at a meeting of the London Young Solicitors Group later this month. The meeting, to be held at the Law Society at 6.30pm on 23 May, will cover recent developments in medical negligence law.


A purchaser, advised by Frere Cholmeley Bischoff, has bought a pre-let retail park development scheme in Workington, Cumbria, from Workington Estates (a joint venture of Ironbridge Estates and Morrison Developments), advised by Macfarlanes.

LAB set for pill group action

THE LEGAL Aid Board is to appoint a lawyer to co-ordinate claims in what looks set to be a major group action over deaths linked to a contraceptive pill. Lawyers have been approached by more than 100 people who believe a friend or relative may have died or been injured as a result of taking […]

Women get top marks at College of Law

WOMEN students at the College of Law are gaining a higher percentage of commendations and distinctions than their male classmates on both the Legal Practice Course and the Common Professional Examination. Figures compiled by the college show that 48 per cent of those who completed the the 1994 CPE course and 53.9 per cent of […]