
Litigation Writs 30/05/95

Burglar alarm manufacturers Chubb Alarms is being sued by robbery victim Michael Clarke-Jervoise who lost paintings and antiques worth more than £193,000 after thieves broke into his home in Basingstoke, Hampshire. In 1977, Clarke-Jervoise purchased Clevedge House, in North Warnborough, Basingstoke, and arranged for Chubb to install a burglar alarm which the company then serviced […]

With the benefit of foresight

The old saying ‘More haste less speed’ has a topical ring to it in legal circles following the recent House of Lords ruling in the case of road crash victim Ronald Page. Page is seeking compensation over the condition myalgic ecephalomyelitis (ME) which he claims was brought on as a result of the road accident. […]

Conference quotes

Steve Orchard, Legal Aid Board (LAB) chief executive: “What he [criminal legal aid lawyer Roy Douglas] said came out of an orifice and it wasn’t between his ears.” Paul Boateng, Labour legal affairs spokesman: “I have to say to you that there is no more money for legal aid.” Roger Smith, Legal Action Group director: […]

Irish solicitor jailed for fraud

A HIGH-FLYING Irish solicitor, who once bid over £1 million for a Dublin football club, has been jailed for five years for fraud. A judge in the Circuit Criminal Court in Dublin was told that Elio Malocco was likely to be struck off by the Incorporated Law Society. He has been suspended since 1991, when […]

Technology will take lawyers out of the office

TECHNOLOGY will not only reduce office-based secretarial staff but will also get rid of more lawyers EYBA delegates were told. Chair of the UK Young Solicitors Group Andy Unger told young lawyers from around Europe how new technology meant practitioners could do much of their work from home. Speaking at a workshop based on the […]

Police shortfall leads to trade challenge

THE ISSUE of live animal shipments is to return to the High Court again. After the recent ruling that port and airport authorities have no legal right to ban such shipments because of fears over the action of demonstrators, exports have been resumed. But a new legal twist has emerged in the saga. It is […]

North East practice launches one-stop trade mark database

Linda Tsang reports North East firm Smith & Graham is making its mark with the launch of a new trade marks search database service which offers instant access to all UK registered trademarks. In a move considered to be the first in the area, it is envisaged that the computer link can be used to […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Tim Maloney

Tim Maloney What was your first job? Form monitor (unpaid); barman (paid). What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? £1,000 pa. What would you have done if you hadn’t become a lawyer? Sulked. Which law could you live without? The rule against perpetuities. What car do you drive? My wife’s. Who inspires you? […]


Church Adams Tatham & Co advised the Woolwich Pension Fund Trust Company on the purchase of a site from Wickes Developments, advised by in-house lawyer Helen Black, and a lease to Wickes Building Supplies following a funded development for an overall price of around £2.843 million.


Gouldens advised Fidelity Medical


Gordons Wright & Wright acted on the purchase of land at Oulton Lane, Rothwell for Wm Morrison Supermarkets, which aims to develop the site as a new superstore. Eversheds Hepworth & Chadwick advised United Transport Tankers and BET on the deal.

Bar Council scheme overhauls 'haphazard' selection process

THE BAR Council this week unveiled its long-awaited proposals for revamping the system for processing pupillage applications to chambers. Modelled on the UCAS system for awarding university places, the Pupillage Applications Clearing House (PACH), aims to link candidates and their prospective employers with a single application. PACH would remove uncertainty from the process by ensuring […]