
Police say no to in-house team

POLICE officers have rejected a move towards recruiting in-house lawyers as a means of cutting the soaring cost of their legal representation. The Police Federation conference threw out an amendment calling for finance officials to examine whether an in-house system would be cheaper. Delegates agreed to continue with the contracted out system, which uses Russell […]

Gulf victims win legal aid in MoD case

CAMPAIGNING lawyers have welcomed last week’s decision to grant legal aid to the first batch of ex-servicemen claiming compensation for ‘Gulf War Syndrome’. Nearly 550 victims are planning to take action against the Ministry of Defence for a catalogue of symptoms which begin with fatigue and hair loss, and have ended with violent behaviour and […]

In brief: Linnells moves offices to allow IT growth

Oxford practice Linnells is leaving its King Edward Street premises after 60 years to move to offices in Norfolk Street’s Greyfriars Court. The new base, more than twice the size of the firm’s previous premises, is designed to accommodate Linnells’ plans for expansion and investment in information technology.

Barrister wins appeal over wasted costs order

John Malpas reports THE BARRISTER who won his appeal against his wasted costs order says he is glad the judges understood the problems faced by barristers acting for legally aided clients. Kieran May, of Robin Stewart QC’s 199 Strand chambers, won his appeal against the order earlier this month. It was made during a personal […]

Meet your witness says Bar Council

John Malpas reports BARRISTERS should make a point of introducing themselves to nervous witnesses in order to steer them through the often daunting trial procedures, according to the Bar Council. The Bar has reversed its rule preventing barristers from speaking to witnesses and is now asking counsel to make a point of introducing themselves. An […]


Debt collecting IN EIRE

Debt collecting in Southern Ireland is considered, comparatively, more expensive and time-consuming than in most other jurisdictions. Part of the difference that exists between debt recovery practice in Southern Ireland and that in England is attributable to the fact that the Irish District Court deals with matters which would normally be handled by the County […]

Magistrates set to get two-year skills review

BRITAIN’S 30,000 magistrates are to have their legal skills examined in a two-year review by a training supremo appointed by the Lord Chancellor last week. Michael Wooley has been selected to replace the retiring Geoffrey Norman as magistrates’ training adviser at the Lord Chancellor’s Department. A spokesman says that the brief for the job has […]

Hewson sues Sunday Telegraph for libel

THE BARRISTER whose harassment claims sparked off a media furore has launched a libel action against The Sunday Telegraph. Association of Women Barristers chair Barbara Hewson claims that an article in the paper by columnist Minette Marrin attacked her integrity by accusing her of inventing her widely reported harassment claims. She has hired prominent libel […]

Facts about Acts

In the past year, the legal profession in Ireland has found itself under attack from several quarters. Solicitors are currently heaving a collective sigh of relief after the Government modified proposals which would have forced them to report clients suspected of evading tax to the Inland Revenue. The so-called ‘whistle-blowers’ charter, section 153 of the […]

Farewell to life of Riley

It is not a happy time for the Irish Bar. As more and more move from the traditional library system set up in 1916 to swish new offices in the vicinity, it is conducting a review of its future. “We are seeing what provisions we are going to make for the future,” says Bar secretary-general […]

Serugo-Lugo to challenge bankruptcy

John Malpas reports THE BARRISTER who unsuccessfully campaigned against his chambers’ eviction from Lincoln’s Inn has been declared bankrupt. But Yosefaly Serugo-Lugo says he was unaware of the proceedings earlier this month prompted by the Inland Revenue and has already filed an application to have the ruling set aside. Serugo-Lugo is now head of chambers […]