
Who's doing what

The main objective for investing in computer systems, whether for office or home use, is that they are meant to carry out a task more quickly, more easily and more accurately. This means that they leave more time for doing the things you want or need to do either at home or in the office. […]

Get wired or get lost

As partner in charge of the information technology law practice at Chicago’s Freeborn & Peters, Craig Bradley regularly meets prospective new technology clients. At one recent meeting, Bradley listened attentively as a potential client discussed a desire for access to on-line billing from the firm. But it was when the client mentioned the possibilities of […]

In brief: Merger forms strong north-east practice

Two Cleveland firms have merged to become one of the biggest legal forces in the north-east. Tilly Bailey & Irvine, of Hartlepool, and Bolsover Manning Scott & Co, of Stockton, pooled resources to produce a practice with 130 staff. The new practice will eventually operate under the Tilly Bailey & Irvine name, but the Bolsover […]

In brief: Sparks expected to fly at Bar AGM

A series of controversial resolutions at the Bar annual general meeting this weekend will aim to redress the competitive balance between barristers and solicitors. Resolutions on barrister partnerships and full public direct access return to the agenda after being narrowly defeated last year. Meanwhile, the Council of Legal Education appears to be using cost orders […]

Injury case paves way for police stress action

DOZENS of former police officers have received a boost in their pursuit of legal claims for stress-related depression suffered as a result of their job. They are taking court action to secure increased pension entitlements following their enforced early retirement. One solicitor alone has identified 30 actions brought by ex-policemen against forces across the country. […]

Scots look at high-tech sentencing

JUDGES are being offered computer-aided sentencing in a high-tech project to boost consistency in the courts. Academics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, have designed a program to guide the judge towards the ‘right’ sentence. The package allows the computer operator to review sentences given to defendants for similar offences to that being heard. Designers […]

Charting technology's trends

This is the sixth year that the Legal IT survey has been run and of the 326 firms which responded, 312 did so by the cut-off date for the analysis. The firms represent nearly 19,000 lawyers and almost 20,000 support staff, and include some of the largest UK firms. While we retained some key questions […]

Bar access for advice agencies

John Malpas THE YOUNG Barristers Committee has welcomed Bar Council proposals to allow advice agencies direct access to the Bar. And the Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay is also understood to be keen on proposals first mooted by Bar Council chair Peter Goldsmith at the Legal Action Group conference on legal aid on 23 May. The […]

Firms resolve B&C wrangle

Lovell White Durrant and Dibb Lupton Broomhead advised administrators Ernst & Young in a £200 million settlement of a legal wrangle involving the sale of B&C subsidiary Gartmore Investment Management. This latest distribution to creditors brings the total pay-out to more than £1 billion since the administration started in June 1990, thought to be the […]

Denton Hall plays part in face-lift for Barking

Cyril Dixon CITY firm Denton Hall helped sow the seeds of a new community when it negotiated terms for an urban regeneration scheme for the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. The Barking Reach project aims to create accommodation for 15,000 people in a complex featuring 5,500 homes plus leisure centres, shops and social amenities […]

Cause to complain?

In their plans to reform the Solicitors Complaints Bureau, they have ingeniously devised a system which at first glance looks like a complete overhaul of the SCB, described last year by the National Consumers Association as a “bureaucratic nightmare”. If the proposals are implemented, the Solicitors Complaints Bureau will be known as the Supervision of […]