
Litigation Recent decisions 20/06/95

Disapplying time limit for a personal injury claim Christine Marie Crocker v British Coal Corporation (1995). (QBD Merthyr Tydfil District Registry (Mance J) 7/6/95). Summary: Whether the limitation period should be disapplied to a claim for personal injury sustained as a result of the Aberfan pit disaster in 1966. Plaintiff’s application under s.33 Limitation Act […]

Seminar highlights role of ADR

Alternative dispute resolution has become standard practice for insurers and consumers, according to insurance specialist and Jarvis & Bannister partner Richard Houseago. The firm’s recent seminar, attended by insurance ombudsman Laurie Slade, examined how the number of disputed insurance claims could be reduced. The 1994 Ombudsman’s Report highlighted evidence of misunderstanding between insurers and their […]

Expanding the customer base

Solicitors frequently fail to exploit their most valuable asset – clients. The fact that it costs between five and ten times as much to obtain a client than to retain one should be sufficient incentive for a long hard look at the client base to establish precisely what potential exists for expanded high quality business. […]

Basic instincts

The basics of debt litigation are often forgotten in the misguided pursuit of speed and cost cutting. Despite the obvious need for speed, litigators must not lose sight of the need to advise on the client’s overall transacting process, how the process can be improved and how the client can take steps to help themself. […]

Barnes urges curbs on fees

LEGAL SERVICES Ombudsman Michael Barnes has called for the introduction of a new solicitors’ fee at cost or below to curb soaring legal bills for private clients. He wants the rate to take effect after an action has overrun a time threshold which would be agreed at the opening of the action. The measure would […]

Goldsmith rejects calls from 'fusionists and defeatists'

THE CHANCES of radical rule changes to allow barristers to compete equally with solicitors evaporated at the Bar Council annual general meeting (AGM) last weekend, despite vocal support for change. Newcastle-based council member Neil Addison and Rachel Brand, a criminal barrister of Coleridge chambers in Birmingham, braved accusations of being “fusionists” by proposing partnerships between […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 13/06/95

VAT input tax on goods for business and entertainment Thorn EMI v Customs and Excise Commissioners (1995). (CA (Stuart-Smith LJ, Hobhouse LJ and Millett LJ) 11/5/95). Summary: Supplies which are made for both business and business entertainment qualify for partial input tax credit. Commissioners of Customs and Excise Appeal from decision of Justice Turner (QBD […]


Manches & Co acted for borrower Saur Water Services in securing a £92 million loan from a banking syndicate led by Barclays. Clifford Chance represented the Barclays syndicate.

All done for the common good

To blame the Law Society for not pre-empting the Government’s changes to legal aid and for not guiding the profession through the technological revolution which ultimately will reshape legal services is a waste of time and resources. It would be far better if the candidates in the presidential elections concentrated on bringing the various branches […]


Top names advised on the Heron Corporation’s completion of a £60 million syndicated loan facility

Joint venture CD-ROM for construction

Linda Tsang reports ELECTRONIC publishers Context and Building Law Information Subscriber Service (BLISS) have joined forces to put comprehensive information for the construction industry on CD-ROM. BLISS is the construction law information service which developed as the library catalogue of construction consultants James R Knowles. The joint venture will provide digests of legal cases and […]

Election round-up. On the Law Society campaign trail

HENRY HODGE: “Has the experience and the ability to effectively lead the profession, promoting service to the clients and decent remuneration for solicitors.” – Promote a guideline fee structure for conveyancing and proceed with work on defined retainers. – Cut the practice certificate by 10 per cent, promote no-claims bonuses for indemnity funds and penalty […]