
Open verdict on car crash barrister

THE CAUSE of a high-speed road crash which killed a Chester barrister remains unknown after East Clwyd coroner David Jones recorded an open verdict last week. Trevor Halbert, 42, died after his BMW crashed into a tree on a straight section of the A541 near Mold, North Wales, on 30 April. The car had been […]

In brief: PowerGen directors sue The Guardian

Six PowerGen directors are suing Guardian Newspapers Ltd along with two of its reporters on The Observer. The writ claiming damages for libel was issued by London firm Farrer & Co following an article in The Observer on 11 June on share options. Directors Edmund Wallis, David Dance, Roger Jump, Michael Reidy, Jon Rennocks and […]

Labour MP slams hush- up on Scott inquiry bills

JOHN Major has refused to identify the law firms which have shared more than £250,000 of advice work for ministers and civil servants in connection with the arms to Iraq Scott inquiry. He said in answer to a Parliamentary question that the names of the lawyers and their clients were “confidential”. City firm Allen & […]

In brief: Aclec lays down education guidelines

A consultation paper on education and training for lawyers by the Lord Chancellor’s advisers Aclec recommends “the maximum amount of common education for the different branches of the legal profession”. The paper, published on Friday, lays down the committee’s blueprint for vocational training and continual professional development. Other recommendations include more rigorous education in “common […]

CFA's progress

v September 1991: Joint Liaison Group agrees to an early establishment of the Court of Final Appeal; v December 1991: The Hong Kong legislative council (Legco) rejects the “four-to-one” compromise on judges; v May 1994: Draft bill given to China; v November 1994: Consultation among legal profession; v December 1994: Extraordinary general meeting held by […]

City pulls into pole position on IT super highway, says report

The City of London is emerging as the world’s leading user of information technology and is preparing to model itself as a commercial information super highway, according to the report ‘Focus on IT in the City’. The report was launched this week by the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT), a group of 50 leading […]

NCC backs Mackay reforms as better deal

CLIENTS are likely to get a better deal under Lord Mackay’s reforms, according to the National Consumer Council. The consumer group’s director Ruth Evans made the claim in response to accusations at the Wembley Legal Aid conference that the NCC was sitting on the fence over the Green Paper reforms. She accused lawyers of pretending […]

Every contribution counts

Chart-topping Sade is heading for a potential £1 million High Court copyright battle with her one-time drummer Paul Cook. Cook, 34, is taking the singer and members of her group to court claiming he had a hand in writing some of Sade’s hits and is therefore entitled to royalties. Sade is being sued in her […]

Cautious Law Soc agrees to talks on Green Paper block contracts

DELEGATES at the Law Society’s Legal Aid conference have rejected wholesale opposition to Lord Mackay’s reform plans and voted instead to negotiate over block contracts. A resolution passed by the conference said the meeting “wholly distrusts the basis on which the Green Paper is written” but was prepared to negotiate “over time and with proper […]

Political Will

LAWYERS across the country have questioned the “political will” to support planned reforms for the civil justice system with many wondering whether the Government will provide the funds to back Lord Woolf’s plans for a radical shakeup. But Woolf says that the proposals unveiled in his far-reaching report ‘Access to justice’, are not “politically-sensitive” and […]

Disputes clog council routine

WESTMINSTER City Council’s high-profile housing and planning disputes are threatening to undermine the autho rity’s routine legal work, a report warns. Senior lawyers have had their time taken up with “propriety” issues, such as the legal arguments surrounding the controversial designated sales policy on council property. The City’s legal department has been at the forefront […]


Gouldens advised Collins Stewart & Co