
First woman head for top 10 firm

LOVELL White Durrant’s Lesley MacDonagh is set to become the first woman managing partner of a top 10 firm. MacDonagh, a senior partner in Lovell’s property practice, will serve with Michael Maunsell who has been re-elected for a further two years. “Now that more than 50 per cent of the entrants to the profession are […]

Planes, trains and automobiles

Lynne Curry looks at how various regional firms tackle the problems of conducting their business across the country Regional law firms, like their City counterparts, are looking for ways to top and tail their travel budgets. Flights are only used when absolutely necessary and many firms frown on first class train travel unless lawyers are […]

Tutors lack experience, study finds

ONLY half of the law tutors currently teaching in the UK have two or more years’ practical experience in the legal profession, and a vast number of those in the old universities also lack a teaching qualification, a study reveals. Produced by Anglia Polytechnic University, the report, ‘Today’s law teachers: lawyers or academics?’ says only […]

Law Society raises European profile

THE LAW Society is increasing its profile in Europe, with contact between the profession, politicians and officials growing during the past six months. A half-yearly report released by the Brussels office of the Law Societies of England, Wales and Scotland shows the office now has more input in European issues, and members of the profession […]

Litigation Writs 27/06/95

A Perthshire couple whose son died from Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease has joined the increasing number of litigants to issue writs against the UK Medical Research Council and the Secretary of State for Health. Alexander and Isabella Copland, of Dunblane, are suing in respect of their son Brian, who died from the disease on 16 May 1992 […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Christina Heidensohn

Christina Heidensohn is a lawyer by training and is the research and liaison manager at the Solicitors Complaints Bureau. Born in 1966 in London she now lives in Leamington Spa, where the bureau is based. What was your first job? Saturday assistant for Haringey Libraries, London. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? […]

Woolf Reforms

It may come as a surprise that a civil litigator in a major City firm should be so interested in the Woolf reforms. With the exception of pro bono work, our clients are not likely to be in the proposed small claims or fast track categories. But my clients too are regularly incensed at the […]


Dickinson Dees advised Cowie Group in its raising of £33.1 million by its recent 1 for 8 rights issue


Dibb Lupton Broomhead acted for telecommunications equipment manufacturer Rainford Group in its recent flotation by way of a £64 million placing by SG Warburg Securities

In brief: Top telecomms lawyer for Simmons

City-based Simmons & Simmons has appointed telecomms expert Tim Schwarz to join its nine-strong telecomms team. Schwarz, formerly of Clifford Chance, will take up his appointment as partner in early 1996, after spending nine months in the legal department of the World Bank in Washington where he will work on various telecomms projects. Qualified in […]

In brief: Report demands end to unfair sentencing

A report has called for the introduction of a sentencing council as a way of cutting out inconsistent and excessive jail terms. The document published by the Penal Affairs Consortium this week backs the group’s ongoing campaign for such a council. It says most people in jail have received sentences for non-violent offences and there […]

Much-needed shot in the arm

THE TRADITIONAL East-West divide that exists in Scotland has taken on a new perspective with the election of Irvine Development Corporation legal adviser Alan Boyd to the position of president of the Law Society of Scotland. Retaining his position at the West Coast-based development corporation, Boyd will be commuting more frequently from Irvine to Edinburgh […]